Chapter 13 | Resentment

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''Asami's probably still asleep,'' Madara spoke, narrowing his eyes at Keiji. He found it suspicious how nervous he seemed. Why was he here for Asami in the first place? He wanted to find out. ''But I can relay the message to her.''

Keiji quickly shook his head and looked past Madara into the hallway. ''It's pretty urgent.'' He muttered. ''I need to speak with her directly.''

Madara scoffed and stepped aside, letting Keiji into the house. ''What is it then?"

Keiji didn't reply and Madara grew even more annoyed when he saw his fidgeting fingers. Why was he so anxious? ''I'm sorry, Madara-sama.'' He said softly.

Madara closed the door and crossed his arms over his chest. Keiji, the only one of the Uchiha clan who was still loyal to him, was keeping a secret that only Asami and he were allowed to know. It agitated him. ''So I can't be trusted with that information?'' Madara grunted. ''Is that why you can't tell me?"

Keiji rapidly turned around and waved his hands. ''No, no, that's not the case at all!" He exclaimed. ''It's just that Asami... Asami,''

''Asami what?'' Madara rebuked curtly.

''Well,'' Keiji murmured hesitantly, scratching the back of his head. ''She told me not to tell you, Madara-sama.''

Madara grunted. A dog would always stay loyal to his owner, huh? He knew that Keiji wouldn't be able to keep it from him. Even though Keiji didn't say what is was about, he did say there was something. ''Oh?'' Madara hummed, a slight smirk appearing on his face. ''I guess I'll go ask Asami then.''

Keiji seemed surprised by what he said and wanted to respond, telling him he shouldn't, but he didn't know how. Madara was above him in rank and Keiji had already thwarted him a bit by not informing him about this matter. He didn't want to get in more trouble by getting in his way now.

While Keiji sat down next to Kouta, feeling regret but also relief, Madara went upstairs. He had to admit it; he felt a bit betrayed. There were many things he disliked, but Madara absolutely despised this familiar feeling. And it was Asami who asked Keiji to keep quiet about it, which was something he didn't expect from her.

When he entered the room, he saw Asami pulling down the hem of the sweater to her hips. She looked up once she heard the door open and pressed her lips together in discomfort. Madara spotted the troubled look on her face, but he also noticed that the sweater she was wearing had a turtleneck collar. Narrowing his eyes, he stepped forward toward Asami and reached out his hand.

Asami flinched once his hands neared her throat and she instinctively backed away. Madara grabbed her upper arm to stop her from moving away any further and placed the other hand on her shoulder, holding it firmly. ''I won't do anything.'' He said, trying to reassure her. ''Just let me take a look.''

Asami nodded and tilted her head a bit, making it easier for him to see the results of the strangulation. Madara pulled at the collar, exposing the ugly bruises. The discolored spots were more obvious than before and it clearly bothered Asami, who was now wearing a sweater with this sort of collar to hide it.

Madara sighed and let go of the collar, letting his hands hang next to his body. ''And how are you feeling?" He asked.

Asami shrugged. ''I'm a bit nauseous and tired .'' She murmured hoarsely. ''But other than that I'm feeling fine.''

Madara wasn't surprised by her fatigue. Last night, he felt her shift and stir a lot. She had probably slept only for two or three hours.

''And Kouta, how is he feeling?'' Asami asked, looking quite concerned. ''Is he okay?''

''He's downstairs if you want to check up on him,'' Madara answered. ''He hasn't said much yet but he seemed to be feeling alright.'' Then Madara saw the opportunity to change the subject, the very reason why he went upstairs. ''Kouta is not the only one downstairs, you know?" He mumbled, tilting his head slightly. Asami felt a bit uneasy when he made eye-contact. The look in his eyes had completely changed. But suddenly, it wasn't only uneasiness, but also hope.

Could it be that Mito was here? Or someone else from the village? If that's the case, then why was Madara being so calm about it? Shouldn't he at least feel a little bit alarmed? Even though Asami liked the idea of Mito meeting her family, something she was very proud of, there would be a lot of problems if she was actually here. Asami was already feeling slightly distressed and she didn't even know who Madara was talking about.

''Who is it then?''

''It's Keiji.''

Asami blinked. She didn't know what to expect when Madara said it like that, but it was just Keiji. Sighing in  both disappointment and relief, Asami playfully glared at him ''If it was just him you should have said it immediately.''

Madara narrowed his eyes at her. Why was she so reassured after hearing it was Keiji? Who else would come here? Why did it look like Asami was expecting someone else? Shrugging it off, for now, he spoke again. ''He said it was urgent.''

Those words silenced Asami, and she turned her head to look at Madara. The anxiety and uneasiness from before returned and she swallowed thickly before speaking. ''..Urgent?'' She whispered. ''What did he say?''

Madara shrugged and leaned against the wall, making sure not to look away from her. He was easily changing the mood, simply by changing his attitude. He wanted her to feel this way; anxious and panicked. It was mean, but she was keeping secrets from him. And then there's also Keiji who disobeyed him, not telling him the details. It was something that never happened before. 

''How am I supposed to know?" Madara said, crossing his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes even more. ''When you told him not to tell me?''

Asami froze and looked down, her eyes wide. He found out... What would he do now? This urgent matter could only be about Mito's message, but should she tell him about it? Would he let her meet her if she did? Would he even let her go outside now, especially after what happened after last night?

If only Keiji hadn't said anything.

''Why can't you tell me?"

Madara's voice snapped her out her thoughts and she raised her head, her orbs meeting his. His eyes held a look she hadn't seen for a very long time.

It was resentment.

Asami understood very well that he felt betrayed, even if it was just a little secret, but she couldn't free him from that feeling.

Not yet.

''Well?" Madara grunted, growing more impatient.

Asami parted her lips, but no words came out. What was she supposed to say? Telling him everything wasn't an option. Then, he probably wouldn't let her meet Mito. Asami knew it was dangerous and risky, but she wanted it so badly. All the uncertainty from before, when she first got the letter, was gone.

She had made up her mind.

And because of that, she couldn't get anything more than an apology past her lips.

''I'm sorry.''

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