Come home Nate, you're drunk

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Mark's POV:

I've been seeing someone for a while now and I'm happy. Kind of. Well I mean it's not like I'm upset or anything it's just. I don't know. Maybe I'm not as happy as I'm letting on. I've actually been thinking about breaking up with him. It's nothing against him at all. He's a great guy. He's kind and caring and really sweet. I guess I just don't feel the same way anymore. Not to mention there's this other guy. Now don't get the wrong idea. I'm by no means a player or a cheater. I've been cheated on and I would never want to inflict that pain on anyone. But when I was with my boyfriend I wasn't really that happy. I mean I would smile and laugh but I wasn't that happy. He'd make a good friend and I hope that if we break up we could be friends. But as we were in a relationship there was this other guy who I met. His name is Nathan Smith. 

We met because of a project we were working on and became really good friends. Then after a while, I started to...kinda have a crush on him. He does look really good, and he's really sweet and funny. Not to mention that boy can sing. I wanted to ask him out, but he was already involved in a relationship. Which I'll admit, sucked. But he recently told us that they ended it. He's been coming over to my place a lot now mainly for comfort. Today though he went out for a drink. 

That doesn't sound weird or wrong when you first hear it but Nate doesn't drink. Even when he goes out with friends he orders a virgin whatever or soda or something. And well I can't even drink or I'll die so...yeah. Anyway, it was around 8:00. Usually, he's with me talking to me about the whole breakup thing. I was in my room browsing through steam to find a game to play. I heard some footsteps downstairs. I just shrugged it off as Nate coming to my place to talk. "I'm in my room," I yelled. As I finished my bedroom door swung open. 

It was Nate, drunk out of his mind, looking at me. "It's all *hic* your fault," he accused. I shot him a confused look," Excuse me?," I asked. He started to walk toward me. I sat up on my bed trying to make eye contact, but he just kept looking at the floor. He stood in front of me, still looking down, and said,"before you *hic* I was fine! I was *hic* okay. Then you," he looked at me," you had to get in my life with your pretty eyes and handsome face and *hic* really pretty voice," he finished with a goofy grin. I couldn't help but blush. "Look, Nate, I don't know what you're talking about," I said as I got up from the bed to my closet. "I'll just get you some new clothes to wear, since we're about the same size, and you can crash here to-," I was interrupted by a pair of arms wrapped around me.

"N-Nate what are you?," I stopped talking as he started to kiss the crook of my neck. I let out a moan. Dammit, Nate! I can't do this! "mm Nate I-I-I can't," I said. His lips started to make their way up my neck, and he started to suck my neck. I shouldn't have but I liked it. If I wasn't in a current relationship I wouldn't have even thought to stop it. I really liked it. After a few minutes, I snapped back to reality and pushed him away. He looked frazzled. Well, he was drunk, so I'm not surprised." Look I like you. I really do. But I can't do this. Not yet. I need to call it off with him first and then...well I don't know if I would even-," I was cut off again by Nate falling into my arms. I caught him but when I looked down I saw that he fell asleep. What a cutie. He looks like an angel when he's sleeping. 

I ended up carrying him to my bed and tucking him in. I kissed him on his head and tried to leave. One small problem. He was holding onto my hand. "Mark? Can you stay?," he asked in a whisper. I tried to say no, but he kept saying,"please?,". I let out a small sigh and answered with a smile,"okay,". I can never say no to him. I climbed into the other side of the bed."Night. I love you," he said snuggling into my chest. I looked at him and took him into my arms,"I love you too,".  

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