Bubbly Morning

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I love this so much I decide to make a really short fic out of it- Sugar

Mark woke up to be greeted by the sun shining through his window and the sound of someone singing sweet lyrics, making its way to his room. He hesitantly got himself out of his warm bed and made his way into the kitchen which seemed to be the source of the song. He walked through the living room and rested his figure on the door frame.

Cause every time I see your bubbly face, I get the tinglies in a silly place

He rested against the kitchen door frame to see his too cute boyfriend, making their favorite, chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, wearing Marks slightly oversized gray T-shirt and pajama pants. A sly smile made its way onto the man's face as he listened to his lover sing and entered the sweet smelling room.

It starts in my nose, makes me crinkle my nose, whenever it goes I always know. You make me smile,  please stay for a while. Holding me tight,  wherever you go

He slipped behind the male and wrapped his arms around the singer's waist. "M-Mark?, " he squeaked in surprise. He kissed his cheek and smiled at him. "No-no, keep singing. It sounds nice, " he said as he buried his head in the crook of Nate's shoulder. Nates face turned into a deep blush pink. He shook his head shyly. "No way, "he refused,"not while you're here, ". Mark held him closer, " why not?, " he pouted. "Its embarrassing, " he explained, "I'm more nervous singing in front of you then a stadium full of people, " he said, bashfully. Mark planted a few kisses on his neck, " please, " he asked. A sigh escapes the singer's lips. He turned off the stove and turned around and his brown eyes met his. 

I've been asleep for a while now.  You tucked me in just like a child now. Cause every time you hold me in your arms,  I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth...
What am I gonna say,  when you make me feel this way.  I just, mmmm

Nate stopped singing and buried his face into Marks broad chest, in an effort to cover his crimson red face. Mark nuzzles his nose into his soft hair. "Cutie," he thought. "I'm not cute," he mumbled out.  "Yes you are"
"No, I'm not"
"Yes you are"
"No, I'm not"
He planted a kiss on top of his head. "You really are," he said.  Nate looked up and gave him a cute little pout, which in return,  he earned a laugh from Mark. "And this is why you are the cutest thing ever, " he concluded while stroking his cheek. The singer let out a smile and said, "so do you want breakfast"?

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