Just a game of pretend

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The dictionary. Now for those of you who have never heard of the thing since you got a phone to look up everything since you were five years old,  lemme explain what it is. You see it's this huge ass book with almost all the words in the English language and what they mean.  It got big words,  small words,  nouns,  verbs,  adjectives,  even the names of some important people.  Since that thing has got a shit ton of words in it,  do you think that it has a word for what I'm feeling?  Sad,  lonely, unhappy,  and worthless?  Nah,  I doubt an feeling like that exists.  Oh, wait a minute. It's coming to me.  Yea there is a feeling like that. What was it called again?  Oh, yeah.  It's "pathetic".
Perfect.  That's the word you would use to describe this day.  The sun is out,  it's a cool seventy-five degrees.  A perfect day all in all. So what am I doing on this gorgeous day?  I'm in my living room comforting my friend, Mark. "I just don't get it!," he cried out, " I actually thought he liked me.  I can't believe he was just leading me on, ". I sat down next to him and pulled him into an embrace, "he doesn't know the catch he missed.  Anyone would be lucky to have you, " I said to comfort him. He let out an exasperated sigh in response and shook his head, "it just sucks,  y'know.  Finding out that the person you like actually likes one of your friends instead, " he said.  "Trust me I know how that feels, " I confessed. He let go and stood up, "I just wish there was a way for me to show him that he missed out, " he said.  An idea popped into my head. Sure it wasn't a good idea,  but an idea nonetheless.  "Hey Mark, " I called out.  He turned around to face me.  "Hmm,  oh yeah,  whats up? "he asked. "What if you use me?, " I suggested.  A look of confusion washed over his face.  "I don't get what you mean, " he said, " you're not a toy I can just play with, ".  I got up and walked towards him, "go out with me, " I said.  He looked shocked.  Probably because of my forwardness.  "Nate,  look,  it's sweet you're trying to comfort me but-, " uncut him off.  "All you have to do is go on a date with me and after a whole that douche bag will realize that it was a mistake to let you go and he'll come crawling back, " I told him. "I get what you're saying but I can't do that, " he refused. "Why not,? " I asked. "That's just- it's not ethical.  And it's not fair to you, " he reasoned. "Since when was love ever ethical?  And it was never fair,  we all know this, " I told him,  inching closer. "Nate, look I can't.  It's not fair to you, " he said,  moving back a few steps.  "I don't care. It's alright with me, " I told him,  backing him up against the wall. "Nate?" he said looking at me. "Mark?  Use me, " I told him as I sealed our lips in a firm kiss.
 It's been around two months since Mark and I had started dating. So far,  everything had been going good, y'know.  We were actually acting like a couple.  We went on "dates" and hung out at each other's places and stuff in that.  And when we told our friends they were super supportive and happy for us. So you can imagine my surprise when my friend, Jack,  called me and said that he wanted to talk about our relationship. I knock on his hotel door and almost immediately he opens the door and invites me in. "So what did you wanna talk about? " I ask as I took a seat on the couch. He sat opposite from me with a serious look plastered on his face. "Look, Nate, I'm telling you this as a friend because I love and care about you," he said, seriousness not fading from his eyes.  "Uh, okay. What is it?," I ask, not wanting to know what he's talking about. he takes a big sigh and speaks up "It's about you and Mark," he starts. My eyes widened. With a gulp, I reluctantly asked, "What about us"? "Don't play dumb Nate!," he accused," I know about you and Mark! He told me everything," he informed. Shit!  I let out a sigh and avoided eye contact," so what? whats your deal?," I asked him. "Nate! This is  NOT normal! This whole "relationship" thing is hurting you, and you know it!" he screamed. Stop stop stop "Look I'm glad you concerned about me and him but everything will be fine," I said. I started to get up and make my way to the door. "He wants to break up with you," he said, out of the blue. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to face him "What?," I squeaked. Jack got up from the couch and walked towards me," I was talking to him this morning and he told me," he admitted. I shook my head in disbelief,"no way. You obviously misunderstood him or something," I said, denying all of his words. "Nate," he said as he made his way towards me. He set a hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. "You, Mark, and I know that this whole thing was never gonna work out in the first place. And yes I know how you feel but if he doesn't reciprocate then whats the point?" he said. "He loves me. Maybe he didn't at first but I know he does. He does I can feel it," I said. trying to talk some sense into me he reasons," Nate! Stop denying the facts! Face reality! He never loved you when you first started going out and he doesn't love you now," he said. I brushed his hand off my shoulder and put my hand on the door handle. "I don't care. I love him and I will do whatever I have to do to keep him. I don't care if I have to change myself to the point where I don't even recognise myself in the morning anymore. if it means that I can be with him then, hell, I'll do whatever it takes, to keep him," I tell him, back facing him. "This isn't alright. This whole thing is hurting you. How long do you expect this thing to go on," he asked. " I don't know. But I'll play this sad game of pretend for as long as I have too," I told him," Thanks for worrying about me. but I'll be okay. I'll make sure he stays with me," I say as I shoot him a smile and shut the door behind me. 

My first try at an angst. Not sure if its good since I've never written angst before but hey, hope you like it. Stay happy! -Sugar

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