Dinner Date

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Before I could say anything my stomach ended up giving him my answer. In the sheer silence my stomach could be heard growling all the way to Florida. Mark let out a small laugh, "well I guess that answers that question," he said as he drove off to our favorite restaurant.


"Table for two," Mark said as we went into the restaurant. Why do they even ask if we need a table. What do they expect? Us to eat on the floor with our hands? The hostess walked us to our table and handed us some menus. "I hope you enjoy," she said with a cheerful smile as she walked off. As we both got into our seats Mark said,"Dontcha think that being a hostess would be the easiest job ever. You just gotta take people to a table and smile,". "Well, there's gotta be more to it. I can't really think what that other stuff is but it can't just be that," I said. He let out a small smirk my way. The one that turns my knees into jelly. He's just so damn cute! He held my hand from his side of the booth and asked,"anyway, enough about other people. How was your day,"? I opened my mouth to say something when a waiter came to us. "Hi, welcome. Can I start you guys with some drinks today?," he asked. "I'll just have water," Mark answered. "I'll go with some iced tea," I answered. He quickly wrote down the things we asked,"alrighty then. I'll be right back," he said as he very quickly went away. "So," he quickly changed the subject,"what did you do today?," he asked me. I thought about it. I didn't really do much. "Honestly, I just kinda thought about our date for the whole day," I answered with a small smile on my face. He quickly looked down. And used his free hand to cover his face so I couldn't see him. I heard him say something under his breath. "...cute,". He looked up at me, pink in face," you really need to stop saying cute things like that. I don't think my heart can take it," he said looking slightly to the left. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. He's so adorable when he's blushing. I took his hand in mine and raised it to my lips, when suddenly! "Okay guys! I got you water and tea! Do you know what you would like to order?," said our waiter. Seriously, can this guy not read the atmosphere?


After we finished eating and shared dessert, Mark and I split the bill and left for the second part of our date. He put his arm around me as we headed for the door. "Dinner was great!," I commented. "It was. I just wish that guy would have left us alone for a few minutes," he said a bit frustrated. "Ditto on that," I said," he was trying way to hard for a good tip. No offense to him but I'm kinda glad that he left by the time we got dessert. Why do you think he left,". Mark let out a laugh. "Oh that was my doing. He was bothering us too much so I... took care of him," he said with a smile. It was a weird smile. Not the usual smile that sends butterflies into my stomach but a smile that sent chills down my spine. Still, I don't want to ruin our date so I'll keep quiet.


I put in my seatbelt and look at Mark. "So? Where to?," I asked. "Well we could go to the park if you wanna? Or there's a chance that we might be able to catch a quick play. I'm good either way. As long as I get to spend time with you," he suggested. Go to a play and eat popcorn with Mark or should we go to the park and get ice cream? They both seem pretty good to me. Which one would be more fun?

A: Walk in the park with Mark

B: Watch a play with Mark

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