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I got something to eat as I looked at my phone. June 28th, 10:30p.m, 0 calls, and 0 texts. "Well that's just great," I huffed out. I sat back down on the couch hoping for my phone to ring and hear two certain words. And nothing. Nothing at all. If you don't know, today is my birthday. I've been dropping subtle hints about it to all my friends about it like holding up pictures of what I wanted in front of my friends saying get me this for my birthday and stuff like that. I mean yea it might have been a little too subtle but what else could I say. It was kinda depressing that no one called, or even texted me. Well, I honestly could care less if Mat to Jack texted me. I mean yea there my good friends and all but there was one specific person I wanted to wish me a happy birthday. My boyfriend Nate. We've been going out for three years and he's never missed a single birthday. Ever! So what happens now. He stopped answering some of my calls, and we never really hung out as much. I was thinking about all the things that had been happening throughout the week with him and me, and the absolute worst thought came to me. "Maybe he wants to break up with me,". No no no no no no no. That's not it. That can't be it. I mean he can't. I-I'm so confused. We were happy. Right? I mean yea we fought but I mean what couple doesn't. Did I do something that offended him? Did I finally upset him? Was he getting sick of me? We were having fun. We were in love. All I could ever think about was him. And it was the same way for him as well. At least I think it was. Then again he was acting differently. He also did say he wanted to talk about something. What was that something? Maybe he wanted to tell me that he was finally done with me. That he found someone better. Someone who actually deserved him and could cherish him better than I ever could. A person who could make him smile at all times of the day and make him feel that he was the only one of them. But didn't I do that? Didn't I make him feel that way? Oh god, what if- my frantic thoughts were cut off by my phone going off. I looked at the caller ID. It was Nate. Fuck! What should I do? Should I answer? What if he wants to tell me what I think he wants to tell me. I threw it back on the table, letting it ring. After a few seconds, it stopped. And of course, it rang again. I let out a groan and reluctantly picked it up. "Hey babe," I said. "Mark? We need to talk,". My heart almost leaped out of my chest. "Oh, uh okay. About what?," I nervously asked. "I can't tell you now. Can you please come here? My place," he asked, his voice slightly quivering. "Nate? You okay? You sound kinda weird," I pointed out. "Look can you just come here? Please?" he begged. "What's wrong? Just tell me," I said, getting slightly worried. "I can't talk about it now! Just come here! Quickly!," he said loudly. "You're starting to scare me. What up-," the line was suddenly cut off. "Nate? Nate!," What the fuck? I took no time in thinking what to do. I quickly got my keys and ran at the speed to light to my car and drive like the wind to his house.

What was that call? Why was he so worried? I made my way around the block. Only a few more minutes away from his house. The lights are off...why are the lights off? I quickly made my way up the steps and started pounding on the door. Hell, I would have punched a hole in it if I could. I just had to get inside. I needed to get inside. Nate needs me. I don't know what for but he's in some kind of trouble. "Nate? Nate! Open up this goddamn door!," I practically screeched. After a few seconds of painful silence, the door slowly started to open up. I took a step inside and started to feel the walls for a switch. "Nate?," I called out into the uninviting darkness. "Nate? Where the hell are you?," I said again. I walked from his front living room to the kitchen. I started feeling up the walls and finally found a light switch. "Nate? This isn't funny. I was seriously worri-" "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARK!," was shouted into my face as I turned on the lights. I looked up and saw my friends. Tyler, Ethan, Mat, Stephanie, Jack, Signe, Amy, Morgan, Felix, Marzia, Ken, Katherine, and the person I wanted to see all day, Nate. I stood there, mouth hanging open, not sure what to say. Swiftly, a pair of arms wrapped around me. "Happy birthday babe," my little biscuit said to me, with an adorable smile on his face. I was still at a loss for words. "But I thought, when, how, what?," I was so confused. Looks like my brain still couldn't comprehend what was happening. I abruptly broke out into a smile. Then that smile transformed into heaps of small heaps of giggles and laughter. "You guys did all this for me?," I asked. Nate kissed my cheek. "Of course. Did you really think I was going to forget my boyfriends birthday?" he said with a playful nudge. I immediately wrapped my arms around him and squeezed tight. "Thanks, guys," I said,"You're all the best,". Mat spoke up,"You should be thanking Nate first. He's been planning this whole thing for a week,". I ended up hugging him even tighter," thanks, Nate,". A small chuckle escaped his lips,"No problem babe. But uh can I ask a favor," he said. "Sure," I replied. A very restrained voice came out,"can you please let go of me now?! I'm pretty sure I have a collapsed lung by now!" he asked. All of my friends started laughing and I slowley let him go. We spent the rest of the night having fun and celebrating, what I would consider, one of the best birthdays I've ever had.  

I know I know. It's not his birthday but this idea came to me and I just had to write it. Hope you liked it! Stay happy! <3-Sugar

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