Sick Day

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Can we just appreciate this adorkable little beans smile :3

Can we just appreciate this adorkable little beans smile :3

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 The light shone through my eyes forcing me to wake up. I felt like complete crap. I was burning up, my stomach hurt, and my throat was on fire. It was my third day of being sick and me taking care of myself. I didn't tell anyone that I was feeling a little under the weather because I didn't want anyone to get worried. Which now that I look back on it was probably the best thing I could have ever done. So it was a beautiful day out. Nice and sunny, and I was stuck in my room, blowing my nose like no tomorrow. "Ugh. I feel like crap," I said to myself as I threw the covers off of myself and took a huge gulp of water. "Maybe I should just try to go to sleep. It's the only way I'm going to get through this day," I reasoned with myself. Just as I put the covers on my aching body my phone abruptly started ringing. It was so loud and sudden I almost fell out of my bed. I picked up and spoke into the phone,"hello," I said groggily. "Hey, Nate! What's up?," I heard a familiar deep voice greet cheerfully. "Hey Mark!," I tried to say with some enthusiasm. "You okay?," he asked with concern,"your voice sounds weird," he noticed. "Oh, I'm fine, just a little runny nose," huge understatement. "Uh, anyway. What's up?," I was just wondering if I could come over?," I got a new game that I think you would like. Crap! I can't tell him no! Maybe I can just tough it out. I mean I doubt he'd be staying for that long. Not to mention, it would be nice to see him again. I miss him. "Oh, yea. Sure. I'm free right now. You can come over if you want," I said, trying to not sound in pain. "Great. See you in a few minutes," and he hung up. I forced myself to get up. "Well I better get ready", I thought as I started to pick up the mountain of tissues I had thrown on my bedroom floor.


There was a knocking on the front door. I opened the door trying to plaster a smile on my already flushed face. "Hey Mark!,", I said as happily as I could. "Hey, Nate! Whats up?," he asked. Oh, nothing much. I'm just completely dead on the inside. "I'm good. Wanna come in?," I said stepping aside to let him in. He went straight to the couch in my living room and jumped on. "So you need anything?," I asked. You know since I am one hell of a host. "Water is good enough," he said. "Kay just pop the game in the console and I'll be back in a minute," I instructed. I made my way to the kitchen and immediately had to lean against the wall for support. It's okay Nate. Just a few hours and then you can go back to bed. It's all gonna work out. I grabbed the water bottle and regained my composure.


"No-no-no-no-NO!," I practically yelled. "Hah! Beat you again! Fight me," Mark said triumphantly. "Dude whoever is on my team is a fucking idiot. All they had to do was press X! Just press a button! Can't even do that!," I said in a rage. "Hey, I can't blame you for losing. It's really hard to beat the king of gaming," Mark said as he gave me a smile. I laughed. Oh god. I'm feeling worse by the second. "Uh hey Mark, I'll be back. I just gotta..," I started to get up to go to the bathroom. Halfway there I just collapsed. 'Nate!," Mark said as he looked back

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