Caught Staring

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Whispers echoed all over the full library. The first semester was coming to a close with the long-awaited winter break coming up. However, this also meant that exams were creeping up from right around the corner, which equals teachers desperately doing their best to cram as much useless knowledge into their student's heads.

First, second, third, and fourth years were roaming the room, scanning the shelves for the books that they hoped would rescue their grades. The sound of clicks were all over the computer room from students who opted to take practice tests that they were provided instead of looking over material form their notes. Others were at the landscape shaped tables, furiously reading the notes they had, trying to cram as much as they could into their heads. Many of the chestnut desks looked identical with all of the papers that were piling on them, along with books tossed aside, markers in a variety of colors, and the glowing screen of laptops with youtube open for help with specific concepts. The war of exams had started, and the only weapon that these students had was the weapon of studying.

The dreaded act of studying was precisely what two friends, Nate and Mat, were trying to do. The key word was trying. Mat had already stuffed his reference book into his backpack and switched it out with his laptop. his fingers glided over the keyboards as he recalled the information to type up his thesis on the benefits of genetic modification and why it's beneficial for use. Nate, on the other hand, was staring off into space. A typical occurrence, admittedly. The boy had a terrible condition. It rendered him from completing the simplest of tasks and for many instances, made his incapable of doing work. A terminal case of procrastination to which there is no cure. He never really liked to do assignments, especially when it could be done later. Today, however, his friend of many years didn't have it. He wasn't in his class, but he knew how important it was for Nate to get his grade of a C minus up so he would pass the course. He had no time to be slacking off.

"Hey, Nate," he tried getting his attention. No response left the ebony, haired male. A huff of irritation left him. 'I swear to god.' he rose from his seat and leaned over the table to flick his forehead, thinking that maybe physical pain might get his to snap out of his trance-like state. His brow creased and he flinched a bit from the pain, but his eyes remained glued to whatever was next to him. 'What is so compelling that he can't focus'-his eyes followed Nate line of sight and saw what had his so occupied.

His eyes met with a coffee colored table a mere three meters away from them. White hardcover textbooks were left open to random pages and were left ignored as the two boys occupying the desk spoke to each other. The boy on the left had his hand cupping his chin, almost covering the slightly smug smile that was adorning his face. His friend was sitting across from him with his black phone in his hand and his other hand set in his messy, midnight colored hair, looking frustrated. He wore black-rimmed glasses that covered the slight blush on his cheeks but has ears that were tinted pink didn't escape his gaze, along with a scowl on his features. Mat took one glance at Nate than at the boys. He carefully followed his eyes once more and realized just where, or more like who; he was staring at. A smirk came onto his face as he realized precisely why his friend was so zoned out.

"So... you've got a thing for black haired guys, huh?" he observed. His words seemed to catch his attention as he quickly came descended from space to the land that is called Earth. With flushed cheeks, he sputtered out a barely coherent response. "W-what? N-no! I don't know what you're talking about," he huffed as he turned away from the table with crossed arms. He pulled one of the tossed aside papers and began to scribble down answers that probably weren't correct, in the first place. After getting frustrated with the second problem on the worksheet, he dug through his bag and pulled up his Spanish workbook instead, hoping he could comprehend a foreign language better than whatever he was trying to finish before. His chestnut haired friend made his way to his seat, smirk still present on his face.

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