He's Back

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Hiya! I know that this chapter is kinda short but I really hope you like it. I've been really wanting to do something like this for a while so I hope you guys enjoy the ride up ahead.


Mark's P.O.V

I know a lot of things. I know my name, my friends, special dates, games I need to play, and stuff like that. There are also things I don't know. Like where I was running to, how he got here and why he was back. I swear to god, I got rid of this asshole. So why is he back? I swear to god some people just don't know when to take a hint and fuck off. I had no other choice but to get out. I didn't know where I was going but I did know that wherever it was, was better than where I was. Left, right, straight. Straight, left right, and then dead end. In many more ways than one. I ran right into the arms of my nemesis

Nate's P.O.V

I frantically started fixing my hair and choose a shirt to wear. "Fuck, I'm late! Again!," I said to myself as I looked everywhere for my keys. He's gonna be pissed. When I finally looked presentable I grabbed my keys from my desk and went to my boyfriend's house.


I started pounding on the door, almost worried that I was going to ouch a hole in it. I heard a voice from inside. "Okay I'm coming!,". After waiting a few minutes a pretty face opened the door. "Hey Nate," he said. "Hi, Mark. Sorry, I'm late again. Time and I, we don't really get along," I told him. He gave me a bubblegum smile. "It's okay. Don't worry about it. You were only off by seven minutes," he said as he welcomed me in. "I know it's just that I always do this. I guess I just feel bad about making you wait a little longer," I replied as I sat down on his couch. He walked up behind me and softly pecked my cheek. "I'd be willing to wait until the end of time, just so I could see you," he said in his smooth as butter voice. Then just like that, my face looked even redder than a cherry pie. "M-Mark! Stop!," I said trying to not show, my crimson red, face. He let out a laugh and pet my head,"you're so cute, babe," he said. He makes his way to the kitchen and grabbed his keys. "So, c'mon. Let's go. I've got so many things that I want us to do today. We're gonna have so much fun," he said as he took me in his arms and let out a smirk. I don't know why but it felt kinda...weird. I let out a small laugh to hide my discomfort," Okay, okay! I'm coming!," I said as I took his arm off of my back and intertwined my fingers with his.


I closed the door and buckled in. Safety first kids. "So where do you wanna go first," I asked as he was getting into the car. "Well we could go to the movies first, or if you want we could go a restaurant and grab a bite to eat. I mean I'm kinda hungry but if you want we can go there last," he suggested," it's your choice really," he said. I'm kinda hungry myself but I've been wanting to see this movie ever since it first came out. Which one should I choose?

A) Movies

B) Dinner

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