Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

I started cursing but they all came out in muffled whispers. I tried to punch him in the face but it was so hard to get enough momentum it just grazed him. That just made me angrier. Cain laughed and started running. I held on tight as I bounced not wanting to fall out of his arms and harm myself or the baby. I don’t know how long he ran but by the time he stopped my lungs were burning and my voice was hoarse. I hadn’t stopped screaming, I needed Seth to hear me. I couldn’t lose him again.

When he stopped he placed me gently on the ground and I started kicking at his legs. Cain grabbed my flailing limbs and looked me in the eye threateningly. “If I cut your leg ropes will you stop kicking me?” I glared up at him still struggling around in his grasp. “If you don’t behave the running will be too bumpy and you might have a miscarriage.” My body froze and I nodded my head. “Good girl.” He put his hand out and someone placed a knife onto his palm. I shied away until the sudden movement left me capable of moving.

As soon as my legs were free I went for one powerful kick but he grabbed my leg and lifted up sending me flat on my back. “Don’t be silly, Hayley.” I nodded again and he released my leg. He started undoing the buttons of his top and I got really frightened. Cain laughed at my expression and revealed the thick band around his throat; almost like a dog collar. “It’s so your ropes can attach to my neck. Get your mind out of the gutter.” I rolled my eyes at him and got to my feet. The musty rag in my mouth was making me dizzy so I swayed on my feet a little.

A voice in my head was telling me to run, to just turn and run as fast as I could back to the cave...but I knew I could never outrun a werewolf. Cain fazed and unfortunately the collar around his neck increased in size as well. Shame, I wanted him to strangle. His black form was almost invisible in the night except his teeth and eyes that seemed to glint with humour and authority.

Suddenly I was lifted and carried over to the beast. I was hoisted onto his back and the rope was clipped onto the collar. I tried to wriggle out of it but it was tied up too tight. I squeezed my legs hard against his body and felt a low rumble travel through his body. I watched as my crying girls were clipped onto the beasts as well. Alisha’s eyes connected with mine, hers filled with tears as she screamed for help. They were gagged and bound too but it didn’t mean they didn’t try.

My eyes travelled over the scared women and I caught something I hadn’t seen before. There were only eight of us where was Holly. I guess the Black Tribe never thought she would come with me. I couldn’t help having a small smile on my face as I lowered my head between Cain’s shoulder blades. Maybe there was a chance for the Blue tribe after all.

Then we were off and I squeezed my eyes tight. I kept chanting in my head hoping that telepathy was a side effect to the bond.

Please find me, Seth. Don’t let me lose you again. Find me and kick this guy’s ass.

I don’t know how long I was tied to this monster but it was too long. It felt wrong to be on Cain’s back. I wasn’t meant to be with him...he was my past and my mates enemy...I needed to get away from him. When he eventually stopped I started pulling my arms against me trying to choke Cain. A few choking noises left his lips and he reared on his hind legs making me scream into the gag.

My knees unclenched and I hung by the collar. He turned his neck and I swung around to his front. He dropped back down onto all fours and my feet touched the ground. I dug my heels into the ground and tried to walk backwards. Cain glared at me and pulled back sending me to my knees but since I wasn’t tall enough my body still hung. I huffed and went limp making it harder for him.

Someone grabbed me from behind again and I started kicking and screaming. I shouted profanities at them hoping that they would get the hint and let me go. A black tribe werewolf cut the rope between my hands and I pulled them apart immediately. As soon as I regained balance I pulled the gag from my mouth taking a deep breath of fresh air. I drew my arm back and punched the nearest werewolf before they grabbed my arms again.

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