The Street Racer

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Chapter 1

"Emma! Get down here right now young lady, you're late for school!"


I hate school so much. It's so stressful and annoying. My mom really cares about how I do at school. She expects me to get A's in all my class's and so i do. But, that’s not the only reason why I hate school. I also hate it because of the people. For some reason everyone at school likes me. I guess I just don't like being rude. 

But, there is only one thing that makes me think everyone is so darn stupid. 


I know it sound weird.

But, it's not that I don't like love, its just I think people that are in high school are still way to young to date or be in love. They're  still immature and most of the couple’s just end up breaking up.

I want a man not a boy. I want someone who knows what love is and is not afraid to show it in front of his "friends". I want a man who knows how to dress himself up and by that I don’t mean dress himself up like a thug and go around saying  "swag,". I mean I want a man with class and boys my age don't know what that word is. That's why I never tried so much to impress boys at school.

I quickly snapped out of my day dreaming and quickly changed into my outfit of the day. I wore tight blue jeans, a lousy tank top that said love on it, and I wore my dark blue convers.

Good enough.

I let my hair out naturally since I loved my hair. It was dirty blonde, pitch straight, and it reached up to my belly button. My eyes were an ocean blue and usually only stands out when i aply mascara.

I quickly ran down, gave my mom a kiss, ran out the door and walked to school. 


By the time I reached school there were only a few people there. Of course my mom lied about being late again. I was walking towards the picnic table that was near the school. I always sat in that table when it’s lunch or when I like to hang out with my friends.

I walked towards the table and was to busy to pay attention to anything since i wsas busy texting my mom that I was at school and I was really early... again!

As I sat down at the table I was still looking at my phone, going through instagram. Once I was done with that I scrolled through my twitter feed. I laughed at some tweets and rolled my eyes at others. I eventually got bored and shut my phone off. I reached for my bag and got my water bottle.

Man it was hot today.

I was chugging my water down when an angelic voive interupted me.

"Are you okay?"

I looked up and my eyes widened. I spit out my water and it splashed all over him. My jaw dropped as I looked him over.

Holy shit he is hot!

I was still looking at him like he had three heads until I remembered I had spitted my water on him. My cheeks turned into a crimison red and i reached into my bag to grab some napkins and handed it to him. He grabbed them from my hands and started wiping of all the water on his face.

"Sorry, by the way," I said. I looked down and started playing witht the hem of my shirt. 

"Don't worry about it".

I looked up and that was when I noticed his eyes. His light green eyes. 

He suddenly smiled, showing his teeth... I nearly fainted. "Hi," he said. I controlled myself and made sure I didn't make a fool out of myself, then spoke. "Hi."

 "I'm Adam, Adam Cash. I'm a senior here."

"Emma Golding, Sophmore." I said with a closed smile.

We stayed silent after that. I looked anywhere but at him. To shy to say anything.

Ding, Ding!

"Well, there’s the bell. See you later Emma." 

I looked up and said two simple words "See yah."

I watched as he walked towards the doors of the school and walked in. I sighed and shook my head.

"Seriously Emma, did you really have to spit out your water," I whispered harshly to myself. 

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