Chapter 8

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Sorry for not updating in a while but I’m back. Enjoy!


It was Friday and I was feeling really sick. I could barley get out of my bed. My mom had to call in sick for me. Today was not my day. I messaged Adam and Nick that I was sick and not coming to school so they weren't curios about my disappearance. Nick and Adam have really got along and I love every single moment of it because they were the two most specialist boys in my life. Nick and me have patched things up and he told me everything and who he really is. I have to admit, I was still upset about him not telling me but I understand why he couldn't. 

But Adam has been pretty confusing. He seemed really off this week and he has been rejecting quite a few of my kisses and I can't help but feel insecure. I'm not sure if it's cause everything seemed to be going so quick or he was just trying to ignore me. Whatever it was, it was killing me. I tried texting, but he always r-bombed me. I tried calling and he picked up a few times but would make very little small talk. I can't help but feel lonely and hurt and I can't help but feel lost and unloved. I keep asking myself What if he doesn't love me anymore? Just thinking about it brought tears in my eyes but I blinked them away.

Yes, I know it's crazy that I fell in love with him in only TWO weeks but I knew I did. I don't know, I feel so lost. Do I love him? I must of because if I didn't I wouldn't be hurting so much.


It was Friday night and I was feeling much better. Still a little cold but much better. I decided to call Adam.

Ring. Ring.

Ring. Ring.



"Adam hey what’s up?"

"Nothing much just feel a little sick."

"Oh really I should come over and wa-"

"No! It's all right I can take care of myself. I have to go Emma bye."

"Bu-" and he hanged up on me. You see what I mean. It's driving me insane. Well, I wasn't going to stay here on a Friday night so I decided to call Nick. 

Ring. Ring.

"HEYY EMMA, how you feeling girlie?" I instantly smiled. He always knew how to put a smile on my face.

"Hey loser and actually I feel much better. I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?"

"Yah sure, where to?

"hmmmm.. Let me think." I had no clue where to go but then an idea popped in my head.

"Hey Nick, why don't we go to one of those alley's again, you know the-"

"Aha, I had a feeling you would want to go there alright get ready, I'll pick you up in an hour see yah"

"Hehe you know me to well byeee!"

I hung up and quickly got changed.


An hour and fifteen minutes past and I were at the same alley Adam took me to. The thought of Adam suddenly made me sad but I shook it off and got out of the car. "You ready?" Nick asked. I nodded and started walking towards the entrance. Again, I saw the sexiest cars and I was in love all over again.

"Hey Emma, lets go get a drink."

I nodded my head and followed him. I got vodka with cranberry juice in it. Mmmm, it was like sex in my mouth. I then heard a group of laughter from behind me. They all seemed so familiar so I turned around and saw the people I didn't think I would see tonight. I saw the boys all of them just sitting on chairs while drinking and laughing. Then I saw Adam sitting there with a girl on his lap. No sorry a beautiful girl sitting on his lap while her hand was laying on his chest and they were both smiling. They were so close to each other. My heart shattered. I suddenly couldn't breathe. My eyes were starting to get blurry from the tears forming in my eyes. I blinked them back and stood frozen. The girl leaned into him and whispered something in his ear. He then laughed throwing his head back and when he finally controlled himself he was smiling. I turned and grabbed a napkin from the bar tender and asked for a pen. He handed me one and I wrote 3 words I thought I would never have to say. Goodbye Adam -Emma. I simply ordered him a drink and told someone to bring the drink over to him with the napkin under the cup.

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