Chapter 2

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The day flew by quicker then ever. I walked to the schools parking lot where most of the students were. A bunch of people waved and smiled at me and I did the same to them. But then I started to think. I haven't seen Adam anywhere. 

Why do you care Emma.

That annoying voice said in my head.

As I continued walking I heard someone shout my name. I turned and smiled because I knew exactly who is was. It was Nick, my best friend. We have been best friends since grade one and stuck to each other like butter on a bagel. He knew everything about me and I knew everything about him. Nick was very handsome and such a gentleman.GIrls would always throw themselves on him but he was never interested. So, he stayed single.

I saw him sitting at our usual spot and walked towards him. The picnic table and the conversation with Adam and me had came back and started rushing through my head but I immediately shook them off.

"UGH!" I said. "What’s up with you miss grumpy pants".

"This boy I met today. Nick he is perfect, he’s everything I want!"

"Whoa! Emma Golding has a crush! I thought this day would never come!" he said while smiling with his perfect white teeth. "Shut up Nick," I said and narrowed my eyes at him.

"So what’s this guys name anyway".

"His name is Adam. Gosh Nick he’s perfect-

"Emma..." Nick cut me off.

"What?" I said. 

"Are you talking about Adam Cash?" Nick said with worry in his eyes. “Yah why?”


"Well what?" I said getting really impatient.

"Well, you see I kind of overheard that he is dating Ashley..." He said looking worried.

"Ashley as in the slut that i absolutely hate and want nothing to do with!" I said.

"Yes..." Nick said looking scared. I frowned and rested my chin on my hand.

Well this is dissapointing. I then felt warm arms warp around me and embrace me into a hug.

"Emma he’s a jerk! Who cares about him! He is just like all the other guys in our school and is dumb to not go for a beautiful girl like you".

I smiled and separated from our hug.

"Thanks Nick. I’m just happy I didn't fall for the guy. Whatever, I guess ill just forget him".

"Forget him you will!" Nick said while having the biggest smiling on his face. I couldn't help but smile myself. "Come on, lets go home," He said. I nodded my head and we both walked home together. When I got to my house I ran up to my room closed the door, changed into comfortable clothes and blasted EDM music like I usually do. I lay down on my bed and thought about Adam. I knew that he was not interested in girls like me, so I just had to forget about him.


The next day I went to school with Nick. We laughed and talked about the most random things. As we were walking to our table, we saw both Adam and Ashley making out at our table. I was ready to go and punch both of them out. I couldn't help it anymore so I stomped my way towards them and I stopped then crossed my arms while tapping my foot waiting for them to notice me. Eventually, they didn't stop kissing so I cleared my voice, which made both of them jump a bit.

"Emma. Fancy meeting you here," Ashley said with a devilish smirk on her face. I was furious!

"You know what Ashley, I’m not going to argue with you just do me one small favor and leave this table."

"And what if I don't?" She said. I looked at Adam and he was looking at me in an apologetic look. 

"Come on Ash, lets go sit somewhere else and let Emma sit here," Adam said. When he said that Ashley snapped her head to him with anger in her eyes but she saw that he was serious so she eventually got up and walked away and left Adam standing there.

"I’m sorry about Ashley," he said.

"Whatever just go," I said dryly.

"I didn’t mean for any of this to happ-"

"Listen Adam," I said completely cutting him off.

"I don't care if your sorry or not. Anyone who is friends with her or is dating her is not going to be friends with me. I may sound like a bitch but before you go and start judging me you don-" he then cut me off.

"So your saying that I can't be friends with you because I'm dating her?" he asked confused.

"Look, all I’m saying is me and Ashley don't get along and we don't have a good past and I don't like talking to people who are somehow close with her because it just causes drama for me. So please just go," I sighed. 

"Emma, I swear I’m sorr-" He was cut off by Nick. I forgot Nick was there.

"I think its time for you to go."

Adam looked at Nick then back at me. Eventually he walked away and left Nick and me alone. So much stuff were running through my head but all I really thought about was did Adam care? 

Hey readers i hope you liked this chapter cause the next one is going to be better! 


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