Chapter 21

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I bit my lip as I stared at the choices of foods. My mouth was watering just by the thought of eating and I was craving a pasta. When I finally came up with a choice I sat in my chair pateintly waiting for a waiter.

Five minutes went by and I was playing with the edge of the menu. I sighed and placed my hand on my stomach to stop it from grumbling.

"You boys ready for tonight." A very familiar voice said. I froze in my spot and slowly turned my head to the side and saw the boys.

"Shoot!" I cursed. Really why must they be here out of all resturants. I quickly grabbed the menu and placed it infront of my face.

"It's going to be crazy man." A voice which I'm sure was Noah's said. "I just want this to be over with so I can go home to Emma." I didn't need to guess who that came from, I knew it was Adam. The boy's went silent and I sighed. I miss him and it was hard not to be able to just go over there and jump in his arms.

The boy's were quiet for a while until a waiter came to take there order. I knew that I had to leave before they saw me so I quickly got up from my seat and left.

The race was tonight? Gosh Emma, how could you forget! My inner thought snapped. I was so caught up with Italy and the shopping I actually forgot about the race.

I decided that it would be smater to just order room service instead of eating out. I was walking home when I felt a vibration in my pants. I slipped my phone out and my lockscreen came into view. My mother was calling me. I was debating wether I should answer or leave it. The day I landed in Italy was when my mom contacted me. She yelled at me for hours and told me how i was grounded for life.

I explained to her that I was sorry and that I was safe and how Italy was such a beautiful country. She eventually calmed down and we started chating. But now i really was not in the mood to talk. I sighed and decided to decline the call.

I finally made it to the hotel i was staying at and headed to my room. Once I got in, I shut my door and sighed.

Today's going to be one hell of a day, I thought.

As soon as my eyes landed on my bed I ran and jumped on it.

What a comfy bed, i thought.


My eyes widened and i yelled.

I was shocked to see Blake standing in front of me.

"You scared the living crap out of me! What are you doing here?"

I wasn't stupid, I knew my mom sent him here but i asked anyway.

"Well, for starters you are one hell of an asshole for taking my ticket! Second, your mom sent me here so now you're stuck with me."

Well isn't that lovely.

I stood from my bed and walked towards the phone in the room. I ordered room service and made sure there was enough for me and Blake.

"So what are you doing tonight?" I asked Blake, as i hung up the phone.

"Well I thought maybe we could go to the race together."

My eyes bulged as I stared at him.

"You would do that?"

"Well I'd rather know where you are, rather then worrying at night wondering where you snuck off to."

I smiled.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Room Service."

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