Chapter 20

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That night instead of going to bed I decided to pack some clothes for the trip instead. I packed enough clothes that would last for a week. Once I was done packing I hid my suitcase in my closet and then dipped into bed.

I expected to fall asleep since I was exhausted but I ended up thinking about the events for tomorrow. Since Adam was paying for my plane ticket I didn't have one but I knew Blake did so I snuck into his room and after 15 minutes I finally found it. When I wake up tomorrow I'm going to have to act depressed and sulk most of the day. Finally, when everyone's in bed I will call a taxi and drive to the airport.

I sighed in frustration and looked up at the ceiling. Did he really have to leave without me. I know it will be dangerous if I go but what if anything bad happened to him? Then what?

I felt my eye lids get heavier and heavier so I didn't fight to stay awake. I just closed my eyes and allowed darkness to come over.





It was now 6 pm and I was in my room impatiently waiting for the time to go by faster. The whole day Blake has tried speaking to me, asking me if I was alright, or if I needed anything. I could tell my depression was upseting him but I had to do this to pull off going to Italy. My thoughts were interupted when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," i said. The door opened slightly and Blake's head popped through. "Hey," he said softly. I gave him a sad smile and laid down on my bed.

"You alright?" he asked. I only nodded my head and closed my eyes. Blake sighed and mumbled an 'okay'. I thought he would leave my room but instead he said something. "Listen Emma, I know Adam's absense is killing you and that you're really worried about him but believe me when I say he will be fine. He will come back and be the same amazing, loving, caring boyfriend to you that I really want to rip into shred's but he makes you smile and that's the only thing that's stopping me. Trust me Em, he'll be fine."

Blakes words really warmed up my heart and I couldn't help but smile at him. He smiled back and opened his arms for me. I got up from my bed and walked towards him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and his arms embraced me. I relaxed myself into his arms and closed my eyes. "Thank you," I whispered. Blake didn't say anything, he just hugged me tighter.

I moved away from our embrace and walked back to my bed. Blake gave me one last smile and left, shutting my door on the way out. I sighed and laid on my back. I felt my eyes grow heavy and my body go numb. I was tired and I really need a nap so I made myself comfortable and fell asleep.

When I woke up it was 11:30 pm. My eyes went wide and I jumped from my bed. I walked to my door and checked if everyone was asleep. I sighed in relief when I found out everyone was. I quickly walked back into my room and grabbed my phone and called a taxi. Once I finished I grabbed my suitcase from my closet and pulled it out. I picked up the luggage with both hands and quietly went down the stairs. Once I got downstairs I left my mom a little note about where I was going because I did not want to worry her, even though I'm sure when I came back I would be grounded for life.

When I made my way to the front door I opened it and at the same time the taxi driver just parked in the driveway. He came out of the car and grabbed my luggage and placed it in the trunck. I climbed into the the car and buckled up. "Where to?" The taxi driver asked. "To the nearest airport," I answered.

Once I got to the airport I paid the taxi driver and ran inside. When I got in I gave my ticket to a ticketing agent and they weighed my bag. When they let me go I waited for my flight which was about an hour. I was anxious and I was always checking the time. Finally when they called my flight I walked to a flight attendant and gave them my ticket and walked inside the plane. I checked for my for my seat and once i found it I put my luggage away.

I sat in my seat and buckled up while letting out an anxious breathe.

All I could think was that I can't believe I'm doing all this just for one person.





The sound of feet shuffling and the sun shining on my face woke me up. I yawned and looked at my surroundings. We landed in Italy and all I could do was smile. I jumped from my seat and grabbed my luggage. Once I was out of the plane I had the biggest smile on my face. I knew I came here for Adam but come on it's Italy! This is the number one place I have wanted to go to and now I am here. I squealed and was already thinking of things that I could do before I start my mission.



hey guys! I'm really sorry about the late update but my cousin from Amsterdam has come to visite for this whole summer and I haven't had time to write but I finally did and now and I don't need to feel so guilty anymore. Ha!

Also, there are only 2 more chapters left and then the epilouge.... WOW!

Lastly, the winner this week is!


Thank you for all the votes! Really appreciate it :)



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