Chapter 7

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I woke up to hearing bird’s chirping and sunlight shining through the window. I felt strong arms around my waist and I remembered. I'm at Adam's house. I shuffled around to face him. When I finally met his face, he was already awake. He was just starring at me and then smiled. A smile I have never seen before.

"Good morning beautiful," he said. I stretched while yawning then tangled my legs with his and threw my arms around his neck to bring myself closer to me. "Good morning handsome," I smiled. His smile grew wider and I couldn't help but giggle. His fingers trailed up and down my back causing me to shiver. His fingers reached my hair and he played with it soothingly. I brought my finger up to his lips and felt them. His lips were warm and pink. I just starred at it. They are perfect. I looked up to his eyes, his light green eyes. He looked into my eyes then down to my lips. I looked down to his and he slowly leaned in and kissed me. My heart was beating faster and I felt tingles through out my whole body. Our lips were moving in sync and the kiss was getting intense. He rolled on top of me and bit my lower lip. He pecked my lips once more and trailed down my neck leaving kisses. He bit and sucked my neck causing me to moan. His hands trailed down my body, until he reached my butt and squeezed it.

My body arched up and I let out a moan while biting my lip. He reached my lips again and kissed me hungrily. Suddenly we heard laughter coming from downstairs and we both froze and our heads snapped towards the door. Adam rolled off me and we both got off the bed and made our way downstairs quietly and slowly. We then heard laughter again coming from the kitchen. Adam and me looked at each other confused. We walked towards the kitchen and we saw the boys and... Nick?! What the heak is he doing here? 

"Aye, good morning sleepy heads. Did we disturb your sex, sorry we didn't mean to," James said. My eyes widened and my cheeks heated up. "Shut up James and what the heak are you guys doing here?" Adam said. "Well, actually we came here to ask you if you wanted to hang but I see you two are busy," Noah said and wiggled his eyebrows. My cheeks heated up again and I started to feel uncomfortable. "Awe. Don’t worry E. When we were going to pick up Nick we walked into him having sex with some blonde chick," Ryder said. My eyes widened and I was angry. Everyone’s eyes widened and Noah slapped the back of Ryder’s head. Wait, was Nick keeping this a secret from me? Since when did Nick have sex with girls? I snapped my head towards Nick who was starring at the ground and playing with his fingers. When he did that, I knew that it was true. 

I stomped towards him and pulled his ear. "Come on Mister. You have some explaining to do," I said and started dragging him to Noah’s backyard. "Ow, ow Em my ear!" 

"Oh, I could care less about your ear right now!" I yelled.

Once we were at Noah's backyard I let go of his ear. "SO, what the hell is going on? Since when did you start having sex with girls and since when did you start being all buddy, buddy with Adam and his friends?" 

"Listen Emma I can explain."

"Well, I'm all ears."

"Well, when you and Adam started dating I thought I might as well get along with the dude. So, I went to talk to him and we started to get along and he was asking me for help with you and I did. So we started to get along real well so he introduced me to his friends and we all really got along. I felt like I could trust them so I told them about how I sleep with girls and how you don't know about it and they said they will keep there mouths shut for me. But, Adam told me I should at least tell you and I told him I will think about it."

"Well why they hell would you keep this from though. I thought we were best friends?" 

"I know Em but I was scared you would judge me." This was the second time Nick said that to me. I felt as if I didn't even know him. I couldn't even look at him right now. "I'm sorry Nick, I need to be alone right now," I walked inside the house towards the kitchen. The boys saw me and Adam's face immediately softened. "Hey Em you ok-" Adam was cut of by Nick. "Emma, we still need to talk about this!"

"Nick, I seriously just need to be alone right now," I said calmly. Nick slammed his hand on the counter in frustration, which caused us all to jump. "UGH GOSH EMMA! WHY ARE YOU SO STUBBORN! SEE THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T WANT TO TELL YOU BECAUSE I KNEW YOU WOULD JUDGE ME AND I WAS RIGHT AND RIGHT NOW YOUR JUST BEING A BITCH I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I CALL YOU MY BEST FRIEND!" Everyone’s mouths dropped and Nick processed what he said and his face softened. A tear rolled down my cheek. "Emma I didn-" 

"Get out." I said firmly. "No I'm not leaving Em, I'm sorry okay it just slipped out I don't know what I was thinking." I walked towards the front door and opened it and looked straight into his eyes. "I don't even know who you are anymore," I whispered but it was loud enough for them all to hear. 

" Emma please," he tried grabbing my arm but I stepped back.

"Emma please, don't do this."

"GET OUT!" I yelled. Everyone’s eyes were wide and shocked. I looked up to Nick's eyes and they were filled with tears but he was holding it back. It hurt to know that I did that to him but he hurt me to. Nick sniffled and was heading towards the door. "Goodbye Emma." He said then walked out. "Goodbye Nick," and before he could say anything else I slammed the door shut. I started kicking it and punching it. I was so angry. I felt strong pair of hands on my waist and then pulled me into a hug. I sobbed into his shirt and when I smelt him I knew it was Adam. I hugged him even tighter. I heard shuffling behind me and the front door opened and closed. I'm guessing the boys left since they knew I needed some time alone.

Adam carried me bridal style and brought me to his room. He put in his bed gently and crawled in the bed with me and put the blanket over us. If I was crying like this, I would have called Nick and he would have been hugging me and telling me that things were going to be all right. But, I cant because he is the one I'm crying about. Thinking about that just made me cry even more and Adam held me in his arms and was rubbing my back soothingly. I relaxed a bit and Adam let go and I shut my eyes. 

I missed Nick. I don't want him to go. I'm just so hurt right now though. I don't understand why he would keep that from me. Why would he think I would judge him? I want to go and get him right now and tell him I'm sorry and I forgive him and that I don't want him to go. But, it's to late. I pushed him away. I let the last tear fall from my eye and I drifted to sleep.


It was Monday. Which means I am not in a happy mood. I didn't feel like going to school today so I lied to my mom saying I felt sick and she believed it. Adam dropped me off on Sunday and he knew I needed time alone. So here I am in my room eating ice cream, watching movies and sulking. Its 2:30 and I feel dead. 


I got out of bed and made my way to the door.


"UGHH I'M COMING!" I opened the door and was ready to snap at the person but I froze when I saw the person at my door. "Nick.." He just stared at me. His big blue eyes were red from crying and had eye bags under his eyes. I looked exactly the same. I barley got any sleep and I have been crying so much. Nick's face softened and he started to sob. I immediately hugged him and sobbed with him. We hugged each other so tight that, it seems as if I haven't seen him in forever. We both sniffled and let go of each other. "I had a feeling you would be home to so I came here to apologize."

"It's fine Nick I'm just glad you didn't leave me. I don't know what I would do If you left." He pulled me into another hug and whispered into my ear. "I will never leave you."


"I promise."

I pulled away from the hug and looked up to him. "Well since you're here, why don't we hang at my place?”

He laughed and nodded his head in agreement. We made our way to my room and I just noticed how horrible it looked. There were tissues everywhere, my bed was messed up and chocolate wrappers lying on the ground. "Wow.." I said shocked. "Don't worry, my room is worse." He admitted and I smiled. We walked to my bed and laid on it. "Aha, same old Emma. Always eating ice cream thinking that it will solve your problem." I threw my pillow at him and he laughed. I shook my head and grabbed my laptop. The whole days we watched movies and ate ice cream. Just like we used to.



I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS CHAPTER. I know its pretty short and it was more of Nick and Emma but hey not everything can be about them. But anyways, please vote and comment!

Love, Noshig <3 

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