Chapter 6

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This week was perfect. Adam and me are official and I love every minute being with him. Even better news, Adam and Nick are actually getting along which I am thankful for. There are days like these that you just can't forget because everything makes you happy. But, today I am freaking out! It's Friday, which means it’s my date with Adam. I was skipping school today because he said it's a special date. What the heak does that mean?! It's 2:00 and I am ready for our date. I'm wearing a peach summer dress with brown sandals. I left my hair natural and did water fall braid to the side. I put on some mascara to make my blue eyes pop and put some lip-gloss on. 


Oh my gosh that's him! I made my way downstairs and opened the door. I suddenly forgot how to breathe. I was stunned. Adam looked so.. handsome. He was wearing beige pants with a blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His hair had a sexy messy style, which made me want to play with his hair. 

"You done checking me out?" he smirked. I shot my head up to meet with his eyes then glared at him. "Since when did you become the cocky type?"

"Since I knew it would annoy you," He smiled. "Well are we going to go or what?" I said. He laughed then reached his arm out for me. I slid my arm through it and walked to his car. 

He opened the door for me and I lipped right in. "Oh and Emma."


"You look breathe taking," he shut my door and I immediately blushed. 


We made it to our destination and I was thankful because my butt was getting num. I got out of the car and my eyes widened and my mouth dropped. It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It was a river with a bunch of lily pads lying on the water and trees around it, you can see the suns brightness shining through them. It was breathe taking. Adam slid his hands with mine and looked into my eyes then smiled. I loved it when he smiled. 

We walked towards a.. canoe! 

"Are we going in that?" I asked. "Yes now do me a favor and get in," I followed his orders and got in. It wobbled a little and almost tipped over but Adam caught my arm and put me in the canoe safely with him following. He started canoeing and we were moving in the water. "Adam this is beautiful." I said and looked up at the beautiful trees, then look down at the water and watched as the lily pads moved around our canoe while we were moving. "Not as beautiful as you." I looked up at him and saw him looking intensely. I smiled at his comment and continued to look around. I knew that at that time I was in love with Adam Cash.

We were in a comfortable silence the whole time, then we got out and laid down on a hill and watched the sunset. I wrapped my arm around his waist and laid my head on his chest. I was listening to his heart beat. It was soothing and everything was nice and quite. "So did you like the date?"

"Yes but I am hungry."

"Now that wont be a problem. Just wait right here."

"Uh, okay," he got up and made his way to the car. A minute passed and he was back with a picnic basket.

"You are actually so cliché," I told him. "Well, isn't this what girls like?"

"Yes but it doesn't matter what other girls think because I like when boys are creative with there dates and I have to admit this was very creative and I absolutely love it," I smiled. "Well I’m glad you did because I was freaking about this date but you like it so I’m glad" he smiled. "Well..." I said. "Well what?"

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