Chapter 13

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After Adam and I 'talked' we walked back to where the boys were. The rest of the evening we drank, laughed, danced, raced, and enjoyed the company. Everyone now knew Nick and me ever since the King and Queen of the streets happened. Quiet a few people came up to us and asked for pictures or autographs. Nick and I loved the attention, and found it quiet funny. Unfortunately, Nick had to go so I had to be bombarded with all this attention.

But what I loved about the alley is that I knew everyone here. You could do the craziest and weirdest things and people wouldn't care. But at school, I hated everyone. The people at my school weren't my kind. I noticed that the boys are my friends, my family, and I have absolutely no problem with that. Nick and I were two different people here and at school. At school, we were just some mystery but here we were ourselves and man did it feel good.

"So, I was thinking we ditch school tomorrow and go out and have some fun," Noah suggested. "Nuh uh, I don't know about you but I have some catching up to do. I already skipped school today it is not gonna' happen again," I stated.

"Oh come on Emma, quit being such a goody two shoes and just skip," James said while giving me puppy dog eyes. I sighed and shook my head no.

"Please Emma, we are getting used to your company and we all really want you to come?" Aiden said. He had an eyebrow raised, waiting for my answer. I sighed.

"Look guys, believe me I would love to come, I mean I hate school and the people their but that won't stop me from graduating. I really can't this time guys. But, maybe I could come during the weekend?" 

Aiden opened his mouth to speak but Adam cut him to it. "Guys, leave her alone. She really has missed a couple of days and I'm the one who has being causing this and I feel really bad so just let it slide." Everyone let out a long sigh and then I heard a course of 'fine'. I smiled; relieved that, that topic was over.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and I glance behind my shoulder to see three tall men standing behind me. I turned around so I was facing them. These men looked intimidating. The two in the back looked a like. I'm guessing their twins. They both had long sandy hair, sharp green eyes, with big muscles and hard jaws. They both stared at me with no emotion. They both had a frown on their face.

I looked at the man in front of me and shivers went down my back. He had jet-black hair, with cold blue eyes. He had ears like a lynx and pale skin. He looked tough. He seemed like he liked to get in trouble. That would explain the frown on his face as well. When I looked him in the eye he grinned then stepped closer to me. I took a step back and looked him straight in the eye and said, "Who are you?"

He laughed and that caused all the boys heads snap towards us and they were all now alert. James and Aiden’s eyes were widened. Ryder and Noah were glaring at the man in front of me. While Adam looked like he was ready to rip the man's head off. I turned to look at the man and notice him staring me down. 

"I'm your biggest nightmare," he said. I gulped, afraid of what he meant by that. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and I was now pushed behind Adam, giving no space for the man to look at me. I clutched Adam's shirt burying my face in his back. I was scared and Adam made me feel so safe, so protected.

"What the hell are you doing here Asher," Adam said with disgust dripping in his voice. I poked my head a bit to the side to see what was going on. Asher smiled wickedly. He stepped closer to Adam and I can feel him tensing up. The boys stood up and walked straight to us and stood behind Adam. That caused the twins to step up as well. 

"I want to make a deal," Asher said. "And what will that deal be?" Adam asked. The three men smiled and looked at each other then back to us. "I want to race you Adam and who ever wins gets the money."

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