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Well first off, I usually don't do these auother note things but I have something to tell you guys.

I know i haven't updated in like 2 months and I am truly sorry. The reason why is because I absolutly hate this book and find it horrible. I started this a year and a half ago and my writing sucked. My writing skills have developed and i will be soon sharing that with you guys once I finsih this book.

No I will not be deleting this book because that is unfair and I know some people who have been begging me to update. But, what I wanted to tell you is that I will not be updating for a while and I need you guys to be patient.

The reason I wont be doing this is because I will be changing some of the chapters and editing them because it's absolutly so embarrising reading how i wrote back then. I've wanted to delete this book so many times but i refuse to because i worked hard to get readers and I will not just lose them all.

I thank so many of the people who have supported me and the fans who love this book and stuck through my horrible writing. I promise you guys I will finish writing this book.

If you guys are wondering there is 1 more chapter left and an epilouge. When I write the next chapter that means that I am finished editing and rewriting some chapters. I do recommend that you re read the book but if you don't want to then that is fine with me.

All in all, Thank you so much for your patience and kind words. See you guys!

OH before I leave I just wanted to say that I really want to interact with you guys so please follow me on my twitter, instagram and snapchat.

Twitter: @noshigzakarian

Instagram: @noshigzakarian

Snapchat: noshigzakarian

LOL, its all the same thing but yah add or follow me and let me know you're a reader and i'll definetly talk to you! :)


Yours Truly,


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