Chapter 19

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My eyes fluttered open and a gasp escaped my mouth from the loud sound. I looked at my surroundings and found that I was still in Adam's car. I guess we both fell asleep when we were holding eachother. I turned to look at Adam who seemed to be thinking the same thing. What was that loud sound?

My question was answered when Noah popped infront of the car making me yell in fright. Noah walked around the car until he stopped infront of the drivers side of the car and yanked Adam's door open.

"We need to leave now!" Noah yelled. He grabbed Adam by the collar and pulled him out.

"Wait!" I said. I hopped out of the car and stopped Noah. "What's going on where are you going?" I asked.

Noah looked at me and his eyes softened. He sighed and looked behind him. I followed his eyes and found the boys all standing near there cars. I also noticed the car the boys have been working on for Adam. Why was it here?

I looked at Adam, to find him already staring at me. He had tears in his eyes but I could tell he was trying to hold them back. I walked closer to him and it seemed like Noah knew we needed some time alone because he let go of Adam's collar and walked towards the boys.

Instantly I cupped Adam's face and brought him closer to me. "Adam what is going on?"

He didn't answer. Instead he just looked me in the eyes. A few tears slipped from his eyes and he pulled me into a hug. He held me so tight. Almost like it would be the last time he would ever hold me.

I was feeling so many different emotions. I was confused, frustrated, but mostly heart broken. It kill's me seeing Adam like this and him not telling me why he's acting like this makes it even worse.


"Yes love."

Adam stepped away from our embrace and took something out from the inside of his jacket pocket.

"Here," he said. I looked to see the object in his hand was some sort of envelope. My eyebrows drew together. Why is he giving me this?

"Adam what is this?"

"Just take it and read it when you get home, please," he pleaded. I stared at the the envelope in my hand, then stared up at him. He was pleading me with his eyes. I nodded and put the envelope in my back pocket.

Adam cupped my face with his hands and gently placed his lips on mine. I don't know why but this kiss was way better then the rest. My arms immediately hung around his neck and his hands were holding on to my hips tightly. Our bodies were stuck to each other like glue. The kiss got more aggressive causing our bodies to rub against each other. I pulled on to his hair and he groaned and squeezed my hips causing me to moan softly. Everything seem perfect right now. Like we were alone and nothing could get in the way.

Our heated kiss turned into a softer and passionate way. We separated and Adam placed his forehead on mine. We were both panting, gasping for air. I smile and stared into his eyes, his beautiful green eyes.

"I love you Emma."

"I love you to."

"God I'm going to miss you," he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Adam was about to speak but was cut off by James. "Mate we really need to go!"

Adam sighed and placed his lips on mine. He pulled away and said, "I love you. Remember Em forever, okay?"

"Forever," I said. But my tone had a hint of confusion. What was going on?

Adam stepped away and started walking towards the boys. I had a bunch of questions that needed to be answered. I didn't know what was going on and I felt so oblivious with this whole situation. For some reason I couldn't help but feel an uneasy feeling and I was getting worried.

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