Chapter 10

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My eyes fluttered open. I yawned and stretched making my body filled with pleasure. I turned to my left to see Adam-sleeping peacefully. His eyelashes curled up, the way his pink lips are parted and his cute little nose is pressed against the pillow. He looked adorable and I couldn't help but smile. I missed him, a lot. But I think being friends will be better for now. Knowing he still wants to be with me makes my heart skip a beat. I miss him. I love him.

I stared at him for a while just watching him. He moved around and his farley muscular arm grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. A gasp escaped my lips. My lips were merely inches away from his and I couldn't help but stare at them. They were so pink and oh so kissable. I was tempted to kiss him. I leaned in but stopped and shook my head. I can't, this can't happen. I sat up only to be pulled towards him again but this time his eyes were open and he had a smirk planted on his face. I glared at him and he chuckled. 

"Can you let me go," I asked softly. He smiled and held tighter, then rolled over on me and made sure he didn't put all his weight on me. "And what if I don’t?" I rolled my eyes. "Move!" I snapped. "Only on one condition."


"Kiss me." I was stunned by his words. I would gladly grab his place and smash his lips on mine but I can’t. 

"No," I said sternly. He frowned. "Fine be that way," He said. I sighed. I felt a funny feeling on my stomach causing me to giggle. Uh oh. He wouldn't, but he would.

"Adam, please stop tickling me,” I said between laughs. "Not until you kiss me." 

"Never!" I answer back causing him to start tickling me everywhere. I was out of breath now but I won't kiss him. 

"Fine!" I yelled. He looked at me and smiled. You could tell he was proud and I rolled my eyes at that. He leaned in and I held his face in my hands. He caressed my cheek with his thumb and stared at me with lust and love. He leaned closer and I watched how his eyes shut close and I smirked. Idiot. I kicked him in his private area but not to hard. I wouldn't want him to not have kids now. He immediately rolled off me, clutching his private area and rolled around in my bed. 

"Jeez Emma you're killing me."

"Well then don't try anything stupid like that again alright?" I said. He didn't say anything. He just stayed quiet. I glared at him and threw my pillow at him, which he successfully caught. "Alright?"

He sighed. "Fine, fine but I make no promises." I smiled cheeky at him. I jumped out of bed and stood up. "Imma go make some breakfast." I said. "I'll come with," he said and immediately stood up. We both walked down stairs and I started getting some supplies that I will need to cook while Adam sat down on the counter staring at me. I cocked an eyebrow at him and shook my head.

I started making some eggs with bacon when I heard a vibration. Must of left my phone down here last night.

"Hey, Adam can you get me my phone please?" I said.

"Yea sure."

I was cooking the bacon when I heard heavy breathing. I turned around and Adam was right behind me. Anger written all over his face. "Adam what is it?" I asked.

He slowly brought up my phone and showed me the screen and I see I have a text message . . . from Blake. The message is probably what pissed Adam off. "WHO the hell is Blake and WHY is he asking you if he can see you?"

Uh oh.


Hey guys,

MWAHAHA cliff hanger. I know I'm evil >:) sorry I haven't updated in a while and that this chapter was pretty short but I wanted to update and this is all I can give right now. But ill be updating soon love you.

Oh and what do you think Adam will do about this Blake kid?

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