Chapter 14

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"So you're life is a mess," Nick said once I finished telling him what happened at the alley. We were sitting at our table like we always are during lunch. I found it the right time to explain to him, what happened when he left.

"Yah, I know," I sighed and laid my head on the table. He's right, my life is a mess and I can't help but think that nothing can fix this. "Hey, don't worry Em. I'll be with you through the whole way." I opened my mouth to speak but Nick cut me off.

"Remember when we were in the second grade and I got in trouble because I swore at some kid?"

I smiled at the memory I remembered. "Yes."

"Well remember how the teacher said that she was going to call my mom and I started crying and you told me that you will be with me, by my side when my mom would come. And I held up my pinky and said 'Promise? And you hooked your pinky with mine and said, 'Promise'. And so you did. You stood up for me and my mom wasn't angry with me. And that was when I knew you would be my best friend forever Em. You helped me and I will help you. You're the smartest and strongest girl I know Em, don't you ever not think that."

I looked into Nick's eyes and I smiled from ear to ear. He always knew what to say and I loved him so much for that. "Thanks Nickelodeon. I needed that."

Nick frowned at the nickname and groaned. "Seriously Em, you know I absolutely hate that nick name." I laughed at him remembering the first time I called him that. We were in senior kindergarten and he was at my house and we were watching sponge bob on TV. Commercials started running and I noticed the word 'Nickelodeon' and I thought that would be a cool name for him, since his name was in it. So I kept on calling him Nickelodeon and he got really mad and told on me but that didn't stop me from calling him that.

I smiled goofily at him and said, "I know, that's why I said it." Then shot him a wink. He shook his head and laughed.

Pair of arms was suddenly wrapped around my waist causing me to jump in surprise. I turned around and glanced up to see Adam looking at me amused. I groaned and laid my head on the table again. 

"Someone is a little grumpy today." Adam said.

Nick laughed and said, "Oh she's just frustrated that's all. Hey, I'm going inside the cafeteria to get some food. I'll be back."

I mumbled an all right and he was gone. I sighed and snuggled into Adam's chest. He chuckled and moved a strand of my hair away from my face.

"Why are you frustrated angel?" Adam asked. I looked up at him and smiled. He seemed worried and I couldn't help but smile at his foolishness. "I guess it's just with everything happening, you know? I mean, it just all happened so fast."

Adam sighed and rubbed my shoulders causing me to moan and close my eyes. "Mmmm . . . feels so good."

"HA, HA, that's what she said." My eyes went wide and I elbowed Adam in the rib causing him to groan in pain. "I heard that!"

"You were meant to!" he said. I turned to glare at him. His eyes went wide and he stood frozen. I crossed my arms across my chest and stared at him. " Uhh. . . I love you?" he said. I gave him an are- you- kidding- me look and shook my head. 

But sadly he got under my skin so I just smiled at him. "Ugh, fine I love you to."

He smiled and engulfed me in a hug. We stayed there for a while until somebody had to ruin it. "EW! YUCK! BLAH! Not when I'm around gosh." I turned and glared at Nick. "We were just hugging you weirdo!" I yelled.

Nick smiled and said, "I now and that is why I ruined the moment. Because I knew it would piss you off." I narrowed my eyes at him but Nick just found this amusing. "I'll give you five seconds to run." I stated. "5 . . ." Nicks eyes widened and he ran into the school building. I laughed at his silliness and turned back to Adam. I walked close to him and poked his nose with my finger making him laugh. I smiled at him and bit my lip.

"You know . . . I really missed you." He said. My smile grew wider and I threw my arms around neck. "I missed you to, even though I saw you yesterday." He smiled. I leaned into him and placed my lips on his. He responded quickly and wasted no time with shoving his tongue in his my mouth. I smiled and decided to tease him. I bit his lip and he groaned he slammed me into him, held onto my waist tightly - which drives me crazy-  and kissed me roughly. I moaned into his lips and tugged on his hair. He groaned and slid his hand down to my hips. 

Gosh I love kissing this bo-



I groaned and glared at the school. I hate that stupid bell sometimes. Adam just laughed and grabbed my hand. "Come on grumpy pants. Let's get going."



Hey, guys. 

This chapter was kind of rushed so please don't hate me if it's bad. But, on the bright side the next chapter will be the first of Adam's training. 

I love you guys! Message me!



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