Chapter 1 Percy POV

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Chapter 1

Percy POV



I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock, 7:45 it read.

Unfortunately there was no snooze button thanks to Leo.

I got up and went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. I looked in the mirror, my eyes were almost neon green and my jet black hair was even messier than usual. I threw on some jeans and a dark green shirt and walked downstairs. Mmmm I smell blueberry pancakes, my mom was over the stove, with a stack of blue blueberry pancakes on a plate next to her. She saw me walk in and smiled. "Mornin' Percy" she said. I smiled my lopsided grin, "Morning Mom, I'm starving!" I exclaimed. She chuckled and passed me the plate, I dumped half the bottle of syrup on the stack and wolfed them down in a matter of minutes. That's when I realized Paul, my stepdad wasn't at the table reading the paper and eating Cheerios like he usually did. "Mom, where's Paul?" I asked She turned around, "He had a meeting early this morning." She said " I believe something about some new students." Great I though more drooling girls. You see I was captain of the swim team and for who knows why the most popular guy in school so all the girls drooled all over me. One girl in particular really got in my nerves, her name was Carly and she asked me out every other day. One time she tried getting in the boys locker room before a meet just to ask if I thought she was hot. I was DISGUSTED. Anyway after my mom turned back to the stove to clean up I realized it was 7:57. I had to be at school in roughly ten minutes. I ran upstairs brushed my teeth and threw on a pair of sneakers and my jacket. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and kissed my mom on the cheek. " Bye Mom I'll see you when I get home!" I called over my shoulder. I got in my car, a beat up pickup that Paul and my mom had gotten for my 17th birthday. I backed out and turned on the radio. My favorite song came on "my kind of night" and I hummed to it all the way to school.

As soon as I pulled in I knew that something was up it was only 8:06 and class didn't start till 8:10. At this time everyone is usually chatting and at their lockers. I looked around and realized what it was, a hellhound was standing in the middle of the cafeteria and everyone was in the classrooms surrounding the cafeteria with their noses pressed against the glass. I sighed and yelled at the giant thing. "Hey ugly I'm over here!" The Hellhound spun around on its heel and bared its fangs. You would think after all the times they get killed they would learn something. It lunged at me and I pulled Riptide out of my pocket and uncapped it. I ducked as the hellhound soared over my head. I spun Riptide over my head an jabbed the hellhound in the underbelly. It wailed and turned into golden dust. I looked down at my clothes they were covered in a film of golden dust. I shook my hair and brushed some off my shoulders. Everyone started coming out of the classrooms looking at me. I spoke up " You didn't see anything, a giant dog got in the school and they called dog control." Everyone looked around in a daze and then realization came over them and then as if nothing happened the chatting started up and everything was normal again. I sighed in relief, Thalia had been teaching me how to bend the mist for these types of things and luckily this time it worked. last time i tried it, it didn't turn out so well, lets just leave it at that. I started walking to my locker when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I spun around so fast the person gasped and backed up a few steps. Then I realized who it was, my best friend and co captain, Jeremy. "Sorry, just a little shocked." I said and he took a step closer," it's fine, I just wanted to say hi." He said. "Sorry Jere." He laughed, "So are you still trying to play off your goddess of a girlfriend?" I shrugged "I don't care if you believe but she will visit one day and I will prove you wrong." I said. "Whatever" He said and opened his locker. I shrugged and turned to my locker taking my things out. When I had first gotten here Jeremy had shown me the ropes and he said that all the girls were staring at me. He said it was a good thing but I didn't care I had Annabeth and that's all I cared about. Yet for some reason he didn't believe she was real. "Hey Jere!" I turned around and saw Caitlyn. Jeremy turned and smiled "Hey Boo" He said. She huffed "I told you not to call me that!" She whined, I stifled a laugh and she glared at me. I turned around before she could beat the crap out of me. Jeremy looked and her and said " I am so very sorry m'lady, do you forgive me?" He said in a mock British accent. She giggled, "Yes!" And she leaped into his arms. He gave her a peck on the cheek and turned back to his locker shutting and locking it. I did the same and we all made our way to 1st period. Little did I know that I had

a huge surprise waiting for me.

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