Chapter 8 Percy

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Chapter 8

I had walked into school in a great mood, that is until I saw Annabeth pinned against the lockers by Matt, the school jock. I stood frozen for a moment watching Annabeth try and push him off. When he started pressing her into the lockers harder I lost it. I pushed passed other students which earned me a couple of glares until I got to her locker. I pinned his arms behind his back and threw him on the ground, off of Annabeth. I wrapped my arms around her and she sighed in relief.
"Thanks." She whispered in my ear. I looked her over making sure she wasn't seriously hurt before asking, "Did he hurt you?" I asked frantically.
"No I'm ok, Percy." She said with a little smile. I gave her a half-hearted smile. That's when Matt got up and with a running leap, rammed me into the lockers. He turned me around and looked me in the eye, big mistake. I kneed him in the soft spot and pushed him away. He doubled over, groaning. I grabbed Annabeth's hand and we walked away to my locker. When we passed Matt, he stuck his foot out and tripped Annabeth. I made an attempt to grab her before she fell, but failed and she landed on her face. I crouched down next to her and lifted her up to a sitting position. I had to choke back a gasp. Her nose was bent at an odd angle and blood was running down her face. She must of felt the warm liquid running down her face because she cupped her face and stood up running down the hall. I picked up her stuff and ran after her ignoring the rumors that were spreading. I caught sight of her in an abandoned hallway, her head in her hands and her shoulders shaking. I sat down next to her and rubbed her back. She looked up, her face had tears streaming down but she had a tissue over her bloody nose.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I said scooting closer to her.
".I...I don't know, it's just.....humiliating." She said.
"I don't understand." I told her.
She looked at me with a sad smile, "there's a reason I call you Seaweed Brain." She said exasperated.
"Well the enlighten me would'ya." I said.
"Percy, I've trained since I was 7, I've gone on how many quests, held the sky and fought in a war. Yet High School is tearing me apart, the girls, the homework and just.." She paused," I haven't been in school since 1st grade and it's a lot different." She said with a huff. I stood up and she looked at me quizzically. I pulled her up and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"I love you very much, and we will get through this and I mean what's the problem with the girls? They all have nothing over you and never will because I love you and only you." She smiled.
"Your right. Now come on before we are late." She said pulling me along the almost deserted hall. I handed her books back to her and we went to my locker. I grabbed out some emergency ambrosia and gave her a little bit. I grabbed my stuff while she ate it. When I was done, I shut my locker and grabbed her hand. We walked in silence until we got to 1st period. We walked in and took our seats at a table in the back, just as we sat the bell rang and Paul started roll call.
"Annabeth, Chase?"Paul called.
"Here." She said, organizing her stack of materials. I stared at her until he called my name, "Percy Jackson? My stepdad called, he knew I was here yet still had to call my name.
"Here." I called bored. He called name after name until I felt like it had been forever. He then assigned us the Odyssey, which we could read in English or Greek. Annabeth and I went up and grabbed a book in Greek. Paul then gave us the rest of the period to read 2 chapters. Annabeth and I decided to read together and finished with 5 minutes to spare. Paul let us out early and we roamed the halls towards our next class. We didn't talk, just enjoyed each other's company. Her hand was surprisingly cold, as was the rest of her body. I stopped and she halted immediately.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Why are you so cold?" I asked.
"What are you talking about? I'm sweating!" She said puzzled.
"Annabeth you hand is like an ice cube!" I exclaimed. She shook her head.
"Percy, I'm ok." I kissed the top of her head.
"Ok, but only cause you said you were ok." I said giving up.
"Good, cause we math now." She said as the bell rang.
"Ugggh....." I said, she smirked.
"Come on Perce! We are going to be late." She said pulling me toward the math room. I gave in letting her drag me to my doom. When we got there we sat in the middle and she turned her attention to the board. I stared at her and soaked in her features. Her golden curls, soft and delicate that framed her face perfectly, her rosy cheeks and perfect complexion. Her plump pink lips and pearly white teeth. Lastly her stormy grey eyes that always were changing, dark and intimidating when she was mad, bright and sparkly when she was happy and dazed, lost and pale when she was sad. Today they were bright and on alert framed by her long, thick lashes. I was awoken from my phase when she said, "Percy you do know that staring is rude, right?" She asked playfully, turning her full attention to me.
"I..I...uhh...sorry." I mumbled turning bright crimson. She laughed, this was going to be a long day. I thought.

Exhausted. The only word that described me right now. A long lecture about fractions or something in math, then rope climbing in gym, the Trojan War in History, then lunch which was surprisingly uneventful, after that I went to Greek mythology, marine biology, science and free period. All filled with something that I didn't bother to pay attention to. After saying bye to Annabeth and going home I started my homework, which consisted of the major gods and goddesses from Greek Mythology, and a 'name that fish" sheet, both easy. I finished in about an hour and walked downstairs to grab something to eat. Mom and Paul had decided to go out for a romantic dinner, leaving me to fend for myself. I made a hot dog and wolfed it down. I looked at the time, 6:52. Hmm, maybe it had been longer than an hour. I thought, oh well. I trudged up the stairs and hit the shower. I put my pajama bottoms in the bathroom and got undressed. I turned on the water and waited for it to heat up. I stepped in and let the warm water run over my head. I washed my hair and body, I then just stood there thinking about how awesome my life was, Annabeth was here in New York with me, my mom and Paul were happy, that's when I got a gut feeling. I only got gut feelings when I was controlling the water or someone I cared about was in danger. This time it wasn't me controlling the water, no it was different. I turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around my body. I willed myself dry and slipped on my bottoms. As I walked out of the bathroom I saw a shimmering image coming from my room. I grabbed riptide and clicked it. It sprung open and I slowly crept forward. When I reached my door, I gasped and opened the door. Inside was an irish-message...from an empousa, but not just from any empousa it was Kelli. When she saw me she half snarled, half snickered.
"Perseus Jackson, so nice to see you again." She snarled. I bit back a growl.
"What do you want?" I asked. She hissed.
"I think it's the other way around, Perseus."
"What do you mean?" I asked puzzled.
"I have something of yours." She purred.
"What do you have?!" I demanded.
"Someone very dear to you." She said wickedly and moved out of sight. I growled at the sight. Annabeth was battered and bloody tied to a post, slumped over.
"Ahh, now we have a reaction out of the great hero." Kelli snarled. She came back into view with a gleam in her eye.
"You have until midnight, tonight to try and save her or we will kill her and go after more of your loved ones." She cackled. She continued,
"And if you don't show well, we will show you." She said gleefully. 2 other empousa appeared and they made their way to Annabeth. I watched in horror as one kicked her in the gut while throwing her head against the post. She groaned and a line of blood trickled through her golden hair. The other enpousa came up and took out a dagger, it had green goop on it. Oh, it's poisonous, to my discomfort, she plunged the dagger into Annabeth's shoulder and Annabeth became ridged, she then started to thrash. but as quickly as it started it stopped and her eyes fluttered open, she gasped for air and then slumped against the post again. Kelli the came up and did the worst, she slit a gash about 2 inches deep across her stomach. She then stomped on her leg and I heard a snap and Annabeth's blood curdling scream. I looked away and then looked back, Annabeth was shivering, tears falling down her face while piles of blood collected around her. I looked at her leg, it was bent at an odd angle and looked about twice the size it should be. Kelli came back with a grin on her face.
"So you see, Perseus if you don't come, we will do much more than that. Come to pier 22 if you want her back." And then it disappeared. I sat on my bed and put my head in my hands. Why? Why couldn't they go after me and not her. I sat up, I can't sit here while they torture her. I grabbed a backpack out of my closet and put some nectar, and ambrosia in it. I then jogged downstairs and grabbed a few water bottles and some apples. I wrote a note to Paul and Sally saying I was going to save Annabeth from some empousa and I'll try to make it home by tomorrow, but no promises. At the end I wrote "I love you" in big letters. I grabbed a jacket and my keys to the apartment. I locked and shut the door. I then set out to rescue my best friend and soul mate. Nobody and I mean nobody messes with me and gets away with it. I thought.

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