Chapter 3 Percy POV

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Chapter 3
Percy POV

I had been so surprised when Annabeth had shown up. I hadn't seen her in almost over 2 months and for a ADHD and dyslexic demigod that is a long time. I was so happy and then Carly showed up, Annabeth said she was fine and acted like it too but if you watch her like I do you can see every once in a while her barriers come down and all you see is hurt. From our time in Tartarus, the wounds from Luke's betrayal and her family's neglect had been reopened. For some reason she won't tell me something though and I think it has something to do with Tartarus. Before I knew it I was in my pickup and headed home. I cut the engine and unlocked the house. "I'm home!" I yelled to my mom. "Ok honey! I'm in the kitchen!" She yelled back. I headed to my room and dropped my bag on my bed and grabbed my phone out of my bag. "Hello beautiful" I texted to Annabeth. I stuck my phone in my pocket and jogged down the stairs. "Hey mom" I said, opening the fridge and cupboard at the same time. I scanned the shelves with my eyes and settled on a tupper wear container full of blue m&m cookies. I grabbed 3 and sat down at the island. (Counter space in the middle of a kitchen-not connected to anything) my mom was making dinner. We heard the keys jangle as Paul walked in. "Hey honey!" He said and pecked her in the cheek. "Percy" he said nodding his head. I smiled at him. Then my phone buzzed in my pocket. It read from WiseGirl- Hey Perce going out to dinner with my family I'll talk to u later tho, ily -A. I sighed and typed back ily2 :) and hit send. I stuck my phone in my pocket and started eating one of the 3 cookies.
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We all sat at the table eating my favorite, Blue Pizza! We talked about our day. My mom's. was pretty uneventful, she baked for a while and then read. Paul had a meeting, and had to grade some tests but that was about it. Then came my turn, Mom and Paul looked at me and I blurted out "Annabeth is going to school here, she just moved a few days ago!" I said with a grin. Mom and Paul smiled, "Well we will have to invite her for dinner sometime then!" Mom exclaimed. After that we cleaned up dinner and I went up to do homework. Luckily I only had math. I finished it within a half hour and got ready for bed. I set my alarm for 7 because I wanted to pick up Annabeth tomorrow.Then I went to bed and let's just say it was not an uneventful night.

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