Chapter 15 The Gods of Olympus

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Chapter 15
The Gods of Olympus
"I say we let her live!" Hermes shouts. Some gods mumble in agree.
"She has died! She should stay that way!" Hera calls out. There is a ripple in the room, but no one says anything. Athena is the first to speak.
"She is my daughter! She has saved ourselves more than we give her credit. Why, why should she die?"
"She has died in combat! She died a hero, no doubt, but she died and there should not be an exception to the rule." Hera says.
Athena stands from her throne.
"She saved you!"
"She died." Hera says getting up too.
Athena's face has turned red, all the gods watch in disbelief as Athena has a wave of owls attack Hera.
Hera sends a wave of magic through the floor, knocking Athena off her feet.
"ENOUGH!" Zeus shouts. All the gods' heads spin around to look at him.
"There will be a vote and the votes will be sent to Hades and Thanatos." No god dare speak.
"All in favor of Ms.Chase being brought to life?" Six gods raised their hands.
"All in favor of Ms.Chase staying dead?" Six gods raised their hands.
Zeus wrote this down and rolled it. He blew and it disappeared in a puff of smoke.
"Now we wait." He says.

2 weeks later Zeus held a meeting.
"Thanatos and Hades have come to a conclusion, Ms.Chase will...

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