Chapter 1

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"Ow dad" I flinch away when I feel another hard and painful tug on my hair.

"Sorry sweety, this is much easier with your mother's hair. Yours is just so thick" he mumbles the last part in full concentraition as he finishes with the fishtail and french braid mix he has made.

"Done!" His deep voice calls through the house joyfully and I stand up to look in the mirror and immediately a smile spreads on my face.

"It's gorgeous" I give dad a tight hug as he chuckles "thanks dad" I hear the click of mom's heals but I still pay attention to dad "anytime love" with a kiss on the cheek he lets me go and I grab my school bag.

"Ryder! I am going to the office today for half a day and I will meet you by the studio then we can have lunch. Lacy called and asked if you could stop by, she said they want some advice on buying baby stuff a-" dad cuts mom's rambling off with a kiss

"relax, I will just check your diary on the office desk if I get stuck" I see mom let out a breath and when I know they are going to mumble loving things to each other like always again, I give them both a kiss on the cheek and grab my bag.

I really love my parents both to no end and I respect them. Mom and dad have always told me to never judge. Especially your enemies. Whatever that means.

They always tell me that I never know when my enemey could end up my soul mate, but they never explain. Honestly its like they are just two riddles.

Oh well, I gotta love them.

As I walk out of the house I see none other than uncle River and aunt Kate as they walk up the stairs to the main entrance.

Leaving the door open, I smile at them "hey kiddo, is your mom still in there?" I nod and make a disgusted face "just don't be surprised if they are making out. I got out while I could"

He laughs and then they both go into the house while I make my way over to my bike. Dad bought her for me after he taught me how to ride, of course mom didn't bother about it since she is chill.

All I wonder is why they won't let me get another tattoo. Mom and dad both have the letter 'R' tattooed behind their ears and I have an 'E' but now they won't let me get another tattoo even though they both have more than one.

I decide to let it go as I swing my leg around my bike and take a seat and then as if putting on a mask, I close my eyes and take a deep breath before opening them as my school self.

With a smirk on my face I put on my helmet and start my bike. The roar of the engine is like music to my ears and I can't help but rev it a bit.

Soon enough I take off at an amazing speed. The mansion isn't very far from school and I am there in a jiffy, especially with the speed I was going.

I enter the school gates and search for a parking, I feel my smirk spread when I see the most popular slut in school make her way to an empty spot.

I drive at full speed and as she is about to turn into the parking space, I slip into the space and turn off my bike successfully pissing her off.

"What the hell Emily!!" She shouts getting out of her, still on, car. I take off my helmet and fix my hair smiling sweetly at her as I get off "the hell has nothing to do with this Miranda"

She rolls her eyes and clenches her teeth "I would slap you so hard right now" I smirk again "but you can't because I will kick your ass . . . Again"

A bunch of snickers behind me catch my attention and I turn around allowing a smile to spread on my face at the sight of my friends.

Mike gives me a silent nod before coming up to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and giving me a long and passionate kiss.

I smile and pull away before tapping him on the chest and grabbing my stuff as we walk away leaving a very pissed off Miranda behind.

"You gonna be at the party tonight Em?" I smile at Carla and shake my head no "I have things to do, places to see and toilets to pee"

Mike nods in understanding, Mike has blonde hair and blue eyes. One of my greatest friends and yes, we have a few benefits.

Carla is the shortest in the group, she has red hair and brown eyes.

Then there is Jake, he is Mike's best friend, he has black hair and blue eyes.

And last but not least we have Parker, he has brown hair and green eyes, he is like the dad of our group.

Jake rolls his eyes and shakes his head "that's code for either you are going out drinking or you are going to be as boring as the pup group"

I swallow my insult at the way he was referring to them and instead ignore them as I walk to my locker and put away my helmet before grabbing my things and slamming my locker.

The more I think about it the angrier I get. How dare he call them that?! He doesn't even know them! So instead I ignore all of them and walk down the hall.

What Jake refers to as the 'pup' group is a very close group. All our parents are best friends, they have been since they have been in high school. We grew up together and loved each other.

I left that group about a year ago, and I refuse to tell anyone why.

If you haven't guessed, I am a completely different person at school, I am feared and I like it.

They call it 'badass' I call it keeping people from seeing through you and your insecurities.

With a deep breath I open the door to my next class and try to ignore the wave that Cole sends me.

I sit down in my seat in the back of the classroom and I see him slouch. My old seat is still empty and I see that his bag is on the chair, just like always when he used to keep my seat.

I wipe away the memory completely and see him look over at me before looking straight ahead again.

I'm so sorry . . . I think looking over at him.

Hey guys!

So do you like it? What is your opinion so far? Favourite part of this chapter?

See yall soon.



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