Chapter 16

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"In a world where there is no way of getting a perfectly happy life, the only way to help yourself is by being around good." I write in my little notebook and turn to look at all the little kids "so guys, what's new?"

"I drew a dinosaur and Greg loved it!" I smile at little Connor and let everyone sit in a circle around me.

"Emily, why are you sad?" I look at Anabella and shake my head "I'm not sad"

"Then why do you look like you waant to cry when you look around the room?" I smile at them "no, I think you guys just want to hear a story"

Thankfully all of them get distracted and sit around excitedly and wait for me to start the story.

"Once upon a time, there was a little girl who had a sister. The girl lived her sister more than anything and played dolls with her sister everyday.

One day the mommy and daddy were very sad and the little girl couldn't understand until she finally got the courage to ask her mommey and daddy.

She knew something had to be wrong but she didn't know what. So when she asked her parents rhey said something that made her very sad an-"

I get cut off when the door opens and Thomas peaks through it "sorry Emily, but you are gonna have to say bye because visiting times are over" I nod and say goodbye to all the little kids before I get up and walk out of the door.

When I am about to leave, Thomas shows up and stops me "Emily can I just have a minute to speak to you please"

I smile and nod while I wait for him to speak "I know that you were in your own world at the gala, but I want to thank you. You have made a better donation to this place than any amount of money would have. It is so nice seeing those kids happy every day. So I just wabt to thank you and ask if I can do anything to show you my gratitude"

I shake my head "it is no problem at all, what you can do for me is nothing but smile. Just smile and show them what it's like to smile" he gives me a kind look and a hug "your parents are very lucky to have you as a daughter"

I laugh and greet him before getting onto my bike and making my way home. The fact that our house is so close to the place makes me want to cry all over again.

I should stop. It happened and I need to get over it. Anna isn't coming back.

I park my bike and as soon as I walk through the door, I walk to the kitchen and grab a coke before I plop down onto the couch and relax.

I put the T.V. onto friends and enjoy the show as the time goes by. Never would I have thought that on a Friday afternoon, I would be at home drinking coke and watching friends instead of at a party or training.

I let out a laugh at the thought "what am I doing with my life?" I smile and drink the last but of my drink, before crushing the can and then I take off my jacket.

As soon as I am about to sit down again after throwing away my can, I hear the doorbell ring and let out an overdramatic sigh while going to answer it.

Shock fills me when I open the door "can I come in?" I nod my head vigorously and Cole walks in and makes his way to the lounge and sits down on the couch not saying anything.

I close the door in confusion amd turn around mentally preparing for something serious.

He never arrives at my house with his eyes bloodshot because of crying and then just sits and says nothing.

I make my way to the lounge and switch off the television before taking a seat on the couch opposit him and waiting for him to speak.

I study him for a moment and notice the way he is foddling with his fingers and then taking deep breaths every now and then.

He looks at me and then looks away, then he bounces his one leg up and down and then he starts it all over again.

I wait about five more minutes in the aweful silence and even think about how someone who seems to have it all tigether can have chaos on the inside.

I know from expereice.

Still though, if people could see when people are in pain and help them, this world would be much prettier.

Much more pleasant to live in it and it would be much more pleasant to be around people then.

"So am I going to enjoy this silence the whole afternoon or are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

He stays silent and I wait another minute before I sigh and take a seat next to him "I have two shoulder. Wide shoulders and even though you won't admit it, I am going to be the best friend I am and let you use them" I can see that he recognizes his words and after anither moment he finally looks at me.

"I got this amazing opportunity to go to New York and do art there. It would be the most amazing thing, all I have ever dreamed of is rught infront of me, but my parents turned it down. They said I need to finish school and become more mature" I listen carefully to what he says and anybody else would say that he is overreacting, but I know how he feels about his art.

Also about how good he is at art. It's all he does.

Then an idea pops into my head and with a smile on my face I pull him uo from his chair and lead him upstairs to the music room.

Who We Are: Book 3 Of The Pure Love TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now