Chapter 12

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Walking through the doors I get a feeling of nostalgia and force myself to push it aside and instead let my excitement take over.

With a smile on my face, I march right up to the counter with a hop in my step and greet the lady "good morning Emily! We have been expecting you" I turn around and smile at Thomas.

Cole and Chad's dad. He is an investor in the place and also the head of all organising.

I can't believe that it has taken me so long to come back to this place. At least it feels good. "Happy to be here" he smiles and gives me a hug, he then looks over at the nurse with a smile "I have a meeting, but Anna will look after you." I nod and smile completely ignoring the feeling I get from hearing her name.

Anna smiles at me and grabs a few files "okay Emily, the boss has organized that you have full access to any regular ward. Since this is a children hospital you will only be dealing with kids"

I smile and nod while she leads me to a ward with little kids wearing bandanas "this is a ward with little kids who are battling the second semester of cancer" I nod and she opens the door introducing me to all of the little kids.

They all smile at me and I give a little wave and soon feel accepted into their group.

I walk up to every kid and have a conversation with them. Ask about their journey and even colour in with them.

It really is something special to see every single one of them smile no matter how they feel.

It honestly breaks my heart into a million pieces. It also makes me want to make each one of them healthy and let them go home.

Sadly, I can't because in this world everyone can't be happy and healthy all the time.

I wish it could just change.

With a sigh, I forget about it and move on to sit in a chair "come on guys, let me tell you a story"

They all gather around eagerly and find a place to sit on their beds. I raise an eyebrow when I notice one little girl sitting all alone in the corner.

The fact that she looks so sad honestly breaks my heart. Then I see a flash in the corner of my eyes and look out of the door window to see a bunch of people with cameras.


Ignoring it, I walk over to the sad looking girl "I will tell the story later." All the other kids nod and do their own things while I crouch down and look at the little girl "hey sweetie are you alright?"

Without looking up, she shakes her head and I hear a sob come from her. As soon as the sound hits my ears, I grab her body and pull her close to my chest.

She reminds me so much of Anna.

My sister.

"Sweetie, is it something I can help with?" She shakes her head again nd looks up at me with tears rolling down her cheeks "you c-can't h-help that I am u-ugly" she stutters through her tears and immediately I shake my head.

"You are beautiful!" She takes off her bandana to reveal her hairless head from the chemo and cries again "then why doesn't anyone v-visit me? O-or play with m-me?"

I physically feel my heart break as she utters those words. I look at the little kids and see one girl, Becky, looking at us longingly.

I get the feeling they try to play with her but she doesn't because she thinks she is too ugly.

"Wait here love, I am going to come back
soon" she nods and I walk out of the room. I tell Anna that I will be back now and then get into my car and make my way to Target.

I grab all the things I need and quickly pay before returning to the hospital and carrying all the bags to the room.

Just like when I walked out, I duck my head down and allow my hair to fall so that the reporters can't get a picture of me.

I walk all the way to the back of the room and put down all the bags next to the little girl.

She gives me a confused look, but I grab a few things and pack it out before I grab a blonde wig and put it on her head before grabbing a mirror and putting it infront of her.

I see her face light up and a smile graces my lips. I grab the scarf I bought and put it around her neck before taking a seat and the pink nail polish. Without anything being said, I paint her nails and can see the wouns inside her start to heal.

No make-up only a pink jacket that I found. I take out the fake plants that I found and place them around her bed.

I also found cute little charms and hearts that I also put around her bed and then I sit down next to her with the mirror.

"See just how beautiful you are? You just needed some motivation" she smiles at me and suddenly her tiny little arms wrap around my neck.

I feel my heart pick up with joy as she thanks me "so, I have something else for us all to do" she nods and I look at the others "okay guys, I have people outside who are watching us and I want us to show the world how you shouldn't let anything take you down"

All the kids gather around me with smiles on their faces. I take out the ten boards that I bought and the white board marker.

"Okay so, stand in a line and give me your bandana when you get to me." Anna opens the door and the reporters flood in while everyone lines up.

I write on the board, take the kid's bandana and hang it over the board when I am done writing on it then I give the board to the kid and tell them to hold it just like that. Infront of them.

I also learned that my little friend's name is Anabella and that she is much happier now.

There she is, standing with her white board and pink bandana all dolled up in happiness.

"Okay guys, smile for the camera" I had organized with the reporters to take a picture of me and all the little kids for their articles.

So when they take the picture, I stand behind all of them with Anabella in my arms.

When I see the picture I concentrate on all the signs.


Each statement is true to the personality of each kid. Anabella got beautiful because she honestly is.

After the picture was taken, I had to leave but I first took a second to talk to Anabella.

"You are a very special little girl. I used to know a little girl with the same disease as you. Her name was Anna" I feel my throat close up "sadly, I don't know her anymore, but you, you are the other her. Very special, beautiful and kind. Stay strong." I give her a hug and then I leave with happiness in my heart.

Who We Are: Book 3 Of The Pure Love TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now