Chapter 6

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"Whoever has the balls to break into my room better get the fuck out fast!" I shout at the person in the shadow.

It takes about two minutes but soon the person starts to step forward calmly "I didn't break in, your parents let me in"

"Cole! You asshole! You scared me." He gives me an amused look before raising an eyebrow "sorry?" I roll my eyes and walk further into my room and to my closet slipping on a shirt.

"Why are you here? I thought you hated me" I still don't make proper eye contact, I can't.

If I do he will see everything I feel because eyes are the windows to your soul.

Everyone knows that.

"I want to talk Emily" this time I do make eye contact and he is on the small couch facing me "talk? You guys hate me! Especially you, I know it. So what do you want to talk about?" He processes my words for a moment and I take off my shoes.

"I have been watching you" I immediately look up at him and squint my eyes a little bit "watching me? Stalker much?"

He nods "and I want to talk. Not because I hate you, which I don't" I think it over for a moment and take a seat next to him. Still keeping my distance.

"Then talk" he looks almost surprised before clearing his throat "right, so first I want to say thank you"


"That day when you ditched school and shouted on your friends, I was across the hall and I want to thank you for standing up for us" this time I clear my throat and nod "no problem"

"You still care about us, I can tell" he seems so smug saying that. "What does it matter Cole? Even if I do, the others don't care"

"They care more than you think, everyday they talk about you coming back" he says matter-of-factly.

I look down at my lap "well, I can't"

"Why not? Because you won't tell us why you left?" I nod "why don't you just tell us?"

"I can't y-" he cuts me off immediately "can't or won't?" I am struck into silence "won't"

"Then why don't you just? You clearly are sad and upset, I saw it when you read that article . . . The tears. People like you shouldn't cry. The anger . . . You shouldn't have so much anger at a gym to break the punching bag."

I raise an eyebrow at him "why are you here Cole?" He stares at me for a moment before letting out a huge sigh, almost like it's a weight for him to talk about.

"Emily, there is something you need to know" I raise an eyebrow in curiosity, but he doesn't speak.

"What is it Cole? Did something happen to someone?" He shakes his head and we sit in silence for a moment.

"Cole" he slowly starts to stand up "nevermind, it doesn't matter" he walks to my door and is down the stairs by the time I am up.

I jump some stairs and run after him but as soon as the front door closes and I open it, he is gone.

Nowhere to be seen.

I let out a huge sigh and walk upstairs again and take a long and hot shower. While getting dressed, I can't help but wonder what he wanted to tell me.

I couldn't sleep all night and while getting ready this morning I had a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen today. I can't get it out of my system.

Even as I sit here at lunch with all of my friends around me. I have a bad feeling.

"Emily, you are awefully quiet" I nod at Jake "yeah I just have a feeling that something bad is going to happen."

Jake nods and carries on eating his apple and talking shit "You little bitch!" A high pitched voice shouts and I roll my eyes.

I know Miranda is talking to me and honestly I don't care. I had put a rotten fish into her locker this morning and hid it behind all of her bags.

And there is the tap on the shoulder I so expected. I roll my eyes and with a spitefully sweet smile on my face, I look over at her "you stank up my locker!"

I shake my head and look at the crowd staring at us "not that I remember" she gives me a sneer and flexes her fingers as she talks in her nasally voice again "my locker smells like fish"

I shake my head and purse my lips "nope, I believe that is your legs being open the whole time. Shouldn't you be used to the smell by now though?"

There are a bunch of 'ooh's' and some snickers as she lets out a shrilling scream.

"You are such a bitchy little whore!" I tut and shake my head faking disappointment "now now, it's unhealthy to talk to yourself Miranda"

She glares and lifts her chin "at least I don't have to be mean to cover up my insecurities"

"At least I don't have to be a whore to cover up mine" I shoot back and again she glares "at least I can't live up to my family name"

"At least I'm not named after a soda brand" her mouth falls open and the bell rings. Sweetly I grab my bag and walk out of the cafeteria receiving high fives as I walk through the school.

"Welcome Emily" I smile and walk to my seat but Cole stops me. We share every class so there is no hiding it "be careful of what you believe about people"

He lets go of my arm and ignores me so that I am forced to go to my seat. I put my feet on the desk and grab my earphones. I put on some music and sit back pulling my snapback over my eyes to sleep for the lesson.

The ringing of the bell jolts me awake and I quickly grab my things and follow out the classroom.

I make a stop by my locker and put all of my things away and then I make my way out of the school.

However, I hear a cry of pain and stop in my tracks. Hearing it again, I follow the sounds all the way behind the school.

I am confused when I see the shadows and creep closer silently, slowly the shadows become clear and I feel my anger get the best of me as I jump out of my hiding place "what the fuck!?"

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait, but I have a lot of pressure on me at the moment so please stay with me.

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