Chapter 4

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Don't worry about me, I am at a last minute sleepover. Will be home in time to get ready for school.

Xxx love you! Emily.

I put down my pen and grab my sling bag, getting ready to go. I put my sticky note on my door for my parents and then I leave the house.

I check the time and it's two, meaning that I must go right when I reach the gate.


It always helps me clear my mind and decide what steps to take next. As planned, I turn right when I reach the gate and walk the short path to the bar.

I always come here for some advice. Especially when I feel like I have reached a dead end.

I can't get the look on Cole's face out of my mind and the more I think about it the more I am struggling to make myself go numb again.

I only have emotion with my parents and nothing else. Why is it so hard to go back to that? I don't want people to see my emotions.

"Are you okay sugarplum?" I look over at the bartender "I am afraid not Ronda"

"Well I am not allowed to feed you enough to get you drunk anymore, but I think with that face you have, tonight can be an acception" I smile at Ronda as she passes me two shots, but one look at it and I feel nauseous.

Instead I just stand up and walk out of the bar slamming the door in frustration. I know where to go.

I walk around the corner to his mansion and stop in my tracks when I reach the steps.

What am I doing?

I finally let some emotion into my thoughts and I go after Mike? I let the hurt I am feeling take over my actions?

Yes, they rejected my apology and Cole officially hates me, but is this the way to work through it?

I have parents who love each other and me dearly and I love them just as much, can't I just talk about it?

Can't I just tell anyone why I did what I did? No, because then I will be the underdog. I will be the one that everyone has a different opinion about.

I can't.

With a deep breath I finish my little rant type questioning in my head and walk up the steps.

It's how I get my mind off of things and make my emotions go numb again. I remember him telling me that his parents are away and since Mike is an only child, we have the whole house and everything to do our thing.

Use each other.

Picking the lock with ease I slam the door as loud as I can and within seconds Mike is standing at the bottom of the stairs in only his boxers.

With a bat in his hands.

"Whoever is breaking in, I suggest you get the fuck out!!" I see the serious look on his face as he yells and shake my head "chill your nana dude"

"Emily?" I walk out of the shadow and nod with a smirk on my face "I kinda need a distraction and this is the only way"

With a smirk he puts down his bat and holds out a hand which I gladly take. He pulls me close and gives me a long kiss before leading me upstairs.

"I promise that I will distract you" he smirks and then decided where to go.

I follow gladly and effectively get my mind off of everything, for the rest of the night-morning, I didn't think about any of my problems once.

"Shit!" I shout when I see the time on the clock. I jump up out of the bed and start getting my stuff together and run to the bathroom, finding my clothes I get dressed as fast as possible.

"What are you on about Emily!" I glare at Mike and shake my head "I have to get home in five minutes"

With a groan he sits up in his bed "no, stay with me" again I shake my head and walk past him towards the door, but he grabs me around the waist and pulls me back "leave me alone Mike, I said no!"

I get loose and run out of his room but he follows me with a laugh "I was just kidding Em!" Turning around by his door I glare "just shutup!" I open the door again and run home.

"There you are, did you enjoy the sleepover?" I smile at dad and shrug "I don't know" he raises and eyebrow and mom laughes "Go get ready for school Emily, let's make breakfast Ryder"

I smile and run upstairs to take a shower and get dressed. When I choose my clothes I stand infront of my closet for about five minutes before finally choosing a pair of black waisted skinny jeans, a dark blue blouse and then I put on my black leather jacket and black leather knee high boots.

I curl my hair a bit and go downstairs, giving breakfast a skip, I greet my parents and go out to my convertable.

I get in and take a few deep breaths putting on my school self, I then start my car and take the short drive to school.

I park in a teacher parking space and when walking up the stairs I find myself bumping into someone.

To my happiness it's Miranda, I give her a sweet smile "I would apologize, but my parents taught me not to talk to trolls"

Her mouth falls open and she puts a hand on her hip "close your mouth dear, you will catch flies"

She scoffs and I roll my eyes walking past her. I ignore everyone that tries to talk to me and groan when I see Carla, Jake, Mike and Parker by my locker.

"I am sorry Em" I roll my eyes and ignore Mike "word on the street is that you were talking to the pup group" I carry on ignoring them and hear Parker answer Jake "seriously!? I heard the oldest one has problems with thinking for himself"

I clench my fists tight and take deep breaths "I also know that the one with the blue hair has a father who hurts little kids" Carla states.


Everyone in the hall is now looking at me as I slowly turn around and look at the group. My locker was slammed shut in all my anger.

I get all up Jake's face "what is your problem with them?! Are you jealous? Or were you just born a dick? Well, I have news for you, big dicks don't count if half of it is your personality buddy!"

I then do the same to Parker "I thought you were the responsible one! But really you are the biggest pussy of us all" and then I look at Carla "you screw more guys in one hour than I have my whole life" And then I turn to Mike "don't even get my started on you"

I give them all a disbelieving look "You guys have no right to make yourselves better than anyone."

I then storm off, I can't take this anymore! I can't stop thinking about them and I can't get my emotions to stop again!

I stop in my tracks and snatch a magazine from a random girl before walking again.

I walk past Cole and them and try to stop my tears, I can't believe it.

I walk to my convertable and get in before driving out the gates and speeding down the street before stopping.

"How?" I take the magazine and read the main heading again as I feel my tears start to pour.

Good girl gone bad? Sweet little Emily Rose Matthews doesn't seem so sweet or little anymore. Turn to page 43 for more info.

I look at the picture on the magazine which is now covered in tears, it's split in two. The one side as two pictures; a picture of me giving an old lady flowers and a picture of me on the red carpet for dad's album. The other side also has two of me; a picture of when I beat up that guy yesterday and a picture of me walking out of the bar . . .

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