FiNding FrieNds - PaRt 2

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"I think I tripped on something." One grumbles, a thick German accent as his winces, rubbing his knee in pain.

"Or someone." The other finishes, looking at you. Prussia scrunches up his face at Japan, before following his line of sight to find you, who stares back at him with the same amount of shock. You continue to gawk at the two, unable to form any tangible words. Prussia is all legs, no wonder he tripped up and into you. All three of you just stare at one another, feeling like that one Spider-Man meme before reality sinks in for the two nations at the sound of an otherworldly screech. Prussia widens his eyes in realisation. He forgot they were running away.

"We have no time for this!" Prussia yells, Japan already one step ahead down the corridor. Prussia makes a move, before realising you're not moving an inch and grabs your wrist, tugging you along. "We should be running! Come on, this way!" He swings open a door and throws you inside, Japan following. You catch yourself, your arms out wide to balance your stance as Prussia slams the door behind himself, panting.
The room he had thrown you into is average, the same flooring and wallpaper as the hallways with a couple of beds along the south wall, and opposite is teak cabinets, drawers and to the furthest left is an iron door. You stare around the room in curiosity before looking over to the two males.

"Now... Who are you?" Prussia questions, pointing at you. You stare at the tip of his pale finger before diverting your gaze to his cherry eyes, scowling at the rude action. His brow glistens, his body trying to cool him down after that unexpected battle.

"Prussia, please keep your voice down." Japan pleads, lowering his arms in sign to lower the volume. He looks over to you; someone that appeared from nowhere. Prussia purses his lips and lets his arm fall to his side, looking to Japan before looking back over to you. Japan faces you and bows. "I am sorry about knocking you over earlier," he rises, "what is your name?"

You introduce yourself, averting your gaze. "I'm sorry too; I wasn't looking where I was going." You rub your arm. Good grief, and you were running around like a lunatic earlier as if you own the place, even shouting. At least they didn't mention it.

"It is nice to meet you, I am Japan."

"Nice to meet you, Kinder." The albino grins. You quirk a brow. He calls you something, and it wasn't English.

Kinder? Like Kinder chocolate. I think it means child. Like child's chocolate? Maybe?

"I am the awesome Prussia!" His distinctive laugh echoes around the room, a mixture between a laugh and a hiss. "Bow down to me!" You ignore the last comment, suppressing a sigh. Your earlier excitement is replaced with worry as the room falls into silence, leaving your thoughts to roam.

"Have either of you um," you crack a smile, "run into anyone else?"

"No, I am afraid we have not." A crease appears on Japan's forehead. "Do you know of anyone that has entered?"

"I'm not sure." Your eyes narrow at the ground, thinking. "I know my family should be coming up though."

"Are they not with you?" Japan asks in concern. You laugh lightly.

"No, they let me run ahead to book the place out." You inform. He looks unsure of you, but nods anyway. You try to brush off his worry, and your own. You don't need his pity. "They're probably not here yet, perhaps later." You look to Prussia as he gives you a once over. "I'll just phone them. Ask them where they are?" You phrase it as a question, unsure. You quickly take your phone out from your pocket. You turn it on, go to your contacts only to realise you had no bars. You try anyway,  it it doesn't patch through. You shyly look up, eyes darting between the two. They give you a quizzical look, so you timidly look back to the screen.

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