TWo MoRE SeconDs - PaRt 2

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D4y 2, #2 B3dr00m, Curr3n7 T1m3 L00p - Av4il4bl3 F1rst Pl4y3r5 & (F/n)

Everyone stands outside the iron door, watching cautiously. The group is tired and wary and wanting some peace, and that's what Germany promised them. He has led them all to believe that they would get some rest, a haven of sorts. But they stand in a room like all the others, nothing seemingly safe about it. Other than the door on the back wall. You stare at the metal door, eyelids weighing down and stomach growling. You want to devour any food that you come across. You can't risk eating the rice balls as they help mana and HP, not meant for your empty stomach. Germany disappears behind the door, and everyone now waits for his signal.

"I wonder what's in there?" Canada wonders aloud.

"Something good." You smile, feeling felicitous now. No one has any severe injuries, no severe trauma. Well, of those who don't remember. Yet, you worry about America. He seems unsettled. It might be due to the fact everyone could have gotten out together if he hadn't wanted to explore.

Wait, doesn't he have a moment later about something he is upset about?

Honestly, now you regret not helping directly, but you need time to sulk too. He has had multiple time loops to deal, whereas this is your first. Your lips tug, arms now coddling your body.

"Are you okay, mon enfant?" France asks, placing his hand on your shoulder.

"I'm good. Just a bit tired. But how about you, you didn't get hurt fighting?" You ask, turning to face him as his hand falls back to his side.

"Nothing big brother can't handle." He flips his hair.

"That wasn't my question." You raise a brow, still waiting for a proper answer. His blue eyes scan your face.

"I just need my beauty sleep." He chuckles. You laugh through your nose.

"Who doesn't?" You then mull over your thoughts for a second. "Um, how long were you guys stuck down there for?"

"As our watches are broken, we don't really know." He contemplates. "But it felt like an entire morning."

"Well, I think it's best if you gets some sleep then. Fighting Prussia, getting injured, going through that stressful situation, then having another fight wares you down. And there's actual beds! So get some rest." You grin, laughing softly. "Doctors orders!"

"Come in!" Germany calls from inside. Each nation sends each other a look before filling in, and you are the last. The room is only visible by the light from the other room, just the first seven-step on the staircase visible. The group trek forwards, cautious with their limited sight. No light is on upstairs, making their walk a dark one. A loud thump is heard as you push your foot forwards, feeling for a step as you hold firmly onto the bannister.

"Ouch!" Japan shouts. You quirk a brow as you realise there are no more steps, along with the fact that they all just fell.

Do they have no common sense?

"Who's stepping on my foot?!" China yells.

"So... who's on top of me, could you move?" Russia then coos. "You're kinda heavy."

"Hey, that's my hair!!" France screeches. He huffs as more fabric shuffles around. "Isn't it a little narrow here? And dark?" He questions, getting up. You could faintly make out their figures, eyes adjusting to the light. You step forwards, then raise your arms as a figure comes towards you, trying to make them aware of your presence, so they don't walk into you. You flinch back, barely making out the figure as the person holds your shoulders, swaying.

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