PAssWord - PaRt 1

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Everyone begins to mumble to one another, worry wavering the room. Japan seems to be losing his bearings, so maybe if he gets some reassurance of what is really happening he will be for the better. You look to your left, at Canada, giving him a skittish smile.

"W-what is going on?" Canada asks.

"I don't know how to explain it either..." Japan looks to you. You smile softly, taking a deep breath as you ponder what to say. They need help, and as the only one informed truthfully of the situation, you should lead the way.

"I'm not sure what... recollection you have of arriving here, but everyone seems to have different memories." That was the basics of it all.

"Who did you come here with, Canada-san?" Japan asks. Canada looks down, his eyebrows furrowed in thought. He is having a hard time getting his head around this.

"With America and France..." he closes his eyes, scrunching up his nose. "I'm not sure anymore. I-I..." He shakes his head. "I'm sorry I couldn't have been more help to you."

"Well," you start, "the first to arrive was Japan, Germany, Italy and Prussia. Then it was the rest of you here, along with France and America. The ones missing are America, France and Prussia." You inform both of them. "If you ever become confused, ask me. I came here separately, so I don't have these mixed up memories that you lot do."

"Thank you very much, (F/n)." Canada smiles, patting Kumajirous head for his own comfort.

"Everything will be sorted out soon, Canada." You reassure him. You two both make eye contact, and then your palm begins to tingle. Your cheeks heat up as you look down to them, remembering what he wrote on you.

"I hope so." Is his final answer before he looks down at his phone. "I'm going to see if I can get to France or America."

"The phones do not work, Canada-San." Japan reminds him. Canada looks down at his phone, his grip tightening.

"I know, but I-I still want to try." You nod to Canada as you approach Italy and Germany, mind wandering.

I haven't really talked much with Canada, but I want to get to know him. And his soft voice. Awe~, it's so fluffy like, and adorable! I wonder if after this is over, we could be friends?

You laugh sadly to yourself, grimacing.

I don't even know if there's an after. Argh, with all this happening and those second players, I'll be lucky if it follows the game Route. Otherwise, I'm useless, and in a very bad predicament if I cannot help out.

"A-am I wrong? But you came with us, didn't you?" Italy questions Japan timidly as you stop beside him. Japan lets out a bitter sigh, wishing he could answer his friend with something positive.

"I'm not sure, Italy-chan," Japan says. "But (F/n)-chan said that that is how it went."

"Maybe breaking these clocks caused some sort of disturbance?" Germany theorises.

"So, you remember who you came with?" You question him, raising a brow. You need him to set the record straight with everyone.

"Yes. With Italy, Bruder and Japan." Germany replies.

"How come Germany knows?" Italy asks with a pout.

"Am I correct?" Germany perks up his eyebrows, not realising he spoke the truth.

For this time loop, anyway.

"Yes, you are, Germany." You smile, letting out a sigh. "You seem to be the only one so far who remembers everything correctly."

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