THree PaTHs - PaRt 1

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"That's not Tony," Canada repeats himself quietly.

"What do you mean, it isn't Tony?" England questions, leaning closer to the Canadian. His tone is condescending, but his expression displays curiosity as he raises a brow at him. Russia and Canada look at each other sceptically.

"Are we mistaken?" Japan asks, looking to Germany and Italy. "We concluded that it was indeed America's friend and felt more at ease in our search..."

"What do you mean, 'more at ease'?" You question in astonishment to Japan. He looks at you, surprised by you speaking up. "That Thing is trying to kill you, Japan. That shouldn't make you feel more comfortable, even if it was America's friend."

"We assumed that if it got to a critical situation, America would jump out and tell us it was a prank..." Japan drifts off, now looking down at the table.

"But you realise that isn't the case now? For example, this morning?" You feel like you're scolding the older nation for being so utterly stupid. But how could he feel more at ease after thinking it was America that constructed this?! It obviously wasn't America's doing!

"I understand how strange it sounds, but America is harmless." England waves his hand. "We usually just go along with whatever he does for the amusement."

"Yes, but you are aware that this isn't America's doing?" You ask, cocking a brow. "Like, you are, aren't you?"

"Yes, we're fully aware." Germany straightens up. Russia is exhausted, as well as Canada, China seems sore, and England can't use his magic. This cannot merely be a silly prank.

"I understand how you mistake that Thing for Tony, but even so, he would never attack America," Canada adds.

"Attack-Ai ya! It attacked him?!" China yells in surprise.

"It was only one hit, but a strong one nonetheless. America was thrown against the wall and was somehow still conscious." Canada lets out a dreary sigh. "It had no effect at all, though."

"Yeah, we heard those shot from the third floor." You add in quietly as Canada begins to drift off. Canada is disappointed; in himself and his lack of caution. He let this monster, a mindless being, get the better of him and take away his brother. He himself was knocked unconscious from the attack and had to have Russia save him. England nods along beside you, eyebrows scrunching up in concentration. "We had no idea what to do. We thought it was America's friend at first, but when it suddenly attacked America and America seemed to fight back for real... We realised that we were wrong." Canada is solemn as he looks to Russia. The taller man folds his hands, placing them on the table.

"We had no idea what to do," Russia continues. "America was getting cornered, and when we tried to do something about it, but he yelled at us to get away."

"I think he," Canada swallows thickly, "he wanted to handle it on his own. But it was strong even for the three of us, so we decided to get away from him." Canada's head falls forward in shame as Kumajirou places a gentle paw on his thigh. "I couldn't fight it, though." Canada pulls Kuma into his lap, burying his nose into the polar bear's fur. "I lowered my guard for one moment and was knocked out. When I came too, both that creature and America were... gone." He looks beside him to Russia. "I-I'm sorry, Russia, for all the trouble I gave you... I feel I was completely useless."

"Don't worry, and you weren't a burden at all! It's pretty hard to fight while you protect someone." He coos. "If you want to thank me, though, I will gladly welcome you as Russia's new territory!" He chuckles. Canada stares at him in surprise but Rusia continues on like he said nothing at all. "Anyway, we wanted to help him, but we didn't know where he had gone. On our search, we found the kitchen and that Thing appeared again. Shortly after, England, China and (F/n) joined us." Russia rubs his chin in thought. England nods at his words.

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