A CroWd - PaRt 2

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You jump out of your seat, reaching towards Italy as he drops the clock. The weight behind him is too strong. The clock smashes, and the glass cover shatters all over the floor. Italy yelps as he hits the ground. Your sudden movement jolts the table and knocks over your drink. You pause. You don't know what to do. Italy is on the floor, staring at the shattered clock in panic as England gets up. He rushes to Italy's side, helping him up.

"Italy, are you okay?" Italy doesn't respond to the question, his eyes glassy. You look around, searching for anyone else who is affected. You can't remember who this clock affect.

"America, what's wrong?" You can hear Canada around the corner, by the beds. You rush over, America still in his bed. But now he's sat up, duvet covering up to his waist as he rubs his eyes with the balls of his hand, looking extremely tense.

"Yeah, bro, I'm just..." he gives a long sigh, face scrunching up. He looks around, bringing his hands down to grab at the sheet. "I'm back." He didn't know what else to say.

"You look incredibly pale." Canada worries. "Do you want a drink?" You catch sight of Japan leaving the bathroom; his face washed of colour.

"Japan?" You ask softly, tilting your head as you approach him.

"It was actually..." Japan begins under his breath. "The second world."

"Hm?" Britain sits Italy down, looking over at him. "What's the matter?"

"They weren't just hypothetical scenarios..." Japan looks up, face lighting up upon a realisation. "Everything I have seen until now... was past experiences or the future...?"

"Wait, hold the phone!" America jumps up out of bed, feet bare of socks as he pads over to Japan. "Right now stands for what number in time? Just how many times have we lost our friends?" America shakes his hands in frustration.

"What number?" Canada frowns, before raising a brow. He follows after America. "What? We?" Italy flinches, hugging his arms around himself.

"What's all this fuss about?" France walks over, ringing a towel around his hair.

"You mean, how many times have we came here?" Russia asks cautiously. Japan groans in pain, swaying. England leaves Italy's side and approaches Japan; arms out and ready to catch.

"H-hey, are you all right?" Britain places his hand on Japan's forearm. "Just what in the world did you see?! Can you go back once more?" He tilts his head. Japan blinks slowly, his lips parting as he pants.

"Even if we could, I don't think I'd want to." America scrunches up his face, sending Britain a reserved look. He sees England holding Japan, and be suddenly braces his hands on his knees. "Can't you... do that for me? I don't feel so good, either..." Japan mutters an apology.

"You look... unsteady on your feet." Russia looks between them.

"Why don't you boys sit for a while? China and I will get you something." France comforts. America looks up, watching France disappear into the kitchen. Then he looks at Viktor.

"Hey!" America shouts, straightening himself out as he marches over. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" He yells, stopping before the Russian. You watch, panicked. Viktor lifts his head, facing America's direction in acknowledgement. "You better start explaining. People are... This isn't the first time this has happened?!" America clenches his fist. "Someone just died, and that's on you!" He sucks in a breath, knuckles turning white. "What's happening here?!"

"America, calm down." Britain approaches him. "America, he doesn't understand."

"If it won't tell us, then we'll have to get it out from it." Russia steps forward, hand going inside his coat. Your breath catches in your throat.

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