A CroWd - PaRt 1

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"Bullshit!" Romano yells, glaring at Italy. "Why does it have to be you?! You're fucking kidding me!" Italy looks hesitant, making a gesture with his hand.

"Th-that's why I'm saying I should be with Germany..." He looks to his friend.

"Wait!" Germany stiffens. "You've got to be kidding me! I object!" Prussia raises a brow at you, questioning what's happening.

"I think it's about sleeping arrangements..." you mutter, watching it play out. Japan sighs, watching the westerners argue.

"I'm telling you, mine is open." Frances coos, sending a wink Italy's way. Germany and Romano bristle. "I would give Italy a warm welcome - physically speaking."

"Maybe we should pair up with our... family?" Canada says hesitantly, before remembering his childhood. America fidgeted in his sleep, and France didn't value personal space. "Oh, but if it's to be together all the time--"

"Come on, now, we're all grown men. Whoever is fine!" England throws his hands up.

"If anyone's fine, you go with France then!" America says. The expression on England's face is pure horror as he gasps, placing a hand on his chest.

"I object!" He shouts, and his brows slowly lower. "If it were a... sister, then I'd be only a little reluctant, but with a brother..." Britains expression morphs into a look of repulsion, eyeing America.

"Eeew!" America shouts, shivering. "That would be torture! It's just too weird!"

"Ah, (F/n)!" France grins, slinking over to your side. "You may not be a sister, but I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with you." You look up at him as he drapes his arms over your shoulders.

"As if I'd let you do that, Frog!" Britain yells, clenching his fist.

"But it's not really your decision, now, is it, Black Sheep of Europe?" England begins muttering under his breath. You force a smile, incredibly uncomfortable, as the two start bickering. You look over to Spain, who taps his chin in thought.

"Well, I could do with just a blanket." He shrugs, looking at Romano. "I could lay it over the table and sleep there." He grins, proud of himself. "It'd make a perfect cot!"

"The West-made beds are pretty comfortable." Prussia mumbles, rubbing his chin.

"Wouldn't it be better if the smaller ones sleep together? Like Japan and China..." Russia wondered off, looking down at China.

"Who the hell are you calling small?!" He shouts, before following Russia's line of sight. "Huh? What are you looking at-Where are you looking at?" His eyes widen. "What exactly are you calling small?!" Russia gives a smile, clasping his hands in front of him as he gives a small chuckle, tilting his head. China jumps, eyes the widest they'd ever be. "Don't you smile at me, you piece of shit! I can prove you wrong anytime!"

"Did China just offer to show his dick to Russia?" Prussia mutters to you. You stifle a laugh, gently swatting his arm.

"All right, all right!" Germany raises his hands, his brow bunching in frustration. "Tomorrow I'll make more beds first thing in the morning! Can't you endure this at least for one night?!" Everyone begins muttering again, and Germany shakes his head. "Verdamnte scheiße!"

"Oh! Then, can I have a double bed?" Italy grins, cupping his hands together. "Romano, let's sleep together! It's been ages since I last saw you!" Romano scrunches up his nose, crossing his arms before nodding his head some-what reluctantly.

"Oh, how unusual of you to give in, Romano." France cocks a brow, giving a low hum. Then Italy hums in thought.

"But today you must be tired, so I'll sleep with Germany." Italy decides himself, tapping his chin. "This way you can have a bed all for yourself!" Italy snaps his fingers at his quick thinking. "Ah, but Spain--"

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