AWakEn - Part 2

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"Yeah." Prussia agrees after a moment. "Even Italy has learnt a thing or two. His opinion will be important."

"Indeed... Let's wait for him to wake up." Japan nods. The axis continues to hover around the bed, and the others disperse. You wonder towards the table, checking out your leg. It hasn't bled through your bottoms yet, but how long ago did they change it? You feel exhausted, but

"Mon enfant, are you okay?" France places a hand on your shoulder. His expression is stern, not suiting his soft words. You turn to face him, an awkward smile on your lips as you place your feet firmly on the floor.

"Why wouldn't I be?" You reply. France gives you a sad smile, removing his hand so he could sit beside you.

"What you went through in the cell is very traumatising." He sighs sadly. "I would recommend you rest. I am also very upset with you." Your expression falls as France stares down at the table, sighing. What had you don't now? God, he looks so disappointed.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry."

"I know you didn't face the creature with the intention of getting hurt, but I am still very frustrated that you didn't listen. You were injured." He turns to face you. You look down at the table, fiddling with your hands as you frown. "I am cross that you disobeyed. I am mad that you continued even after we all told you not too. But most importantly, I am upset that we could not help you." He places his hand atop yours, dragging your attention to his face. "You understand, non?" You look down again, nodding timidly. You couldn't say anything to that. He is right after all.

"But I... I just wanted to help. I thought if I could at least open that door, everyone could get out."

"I know what you were thinking, but that doesn't make me any less disappointed in you."

"Oh." Well don't you just feel shitty. You feel like crying again. That was the first drastic choice you had made, but everything was the exact same. You hadn't even made a dent.

"What's wrong?" Canada appears, noticing the worried look of his papa.

"Don't you agree that mon enfant should rest?" France asks him.

"I'm fine. You shouldn't worry so much." You brush his concern off. "If there were a problem, I'd notice it." Canada hums in thought.

"I would ask Kumamooma to help again just in case, but he's exhausted." He looks over his shoulder to the polar bear curled up in one of the far beds. Again?

"Oh, poor thing." You giggle slightly, looking at the adorable creature. "Does he normally sleep lots?"

"No, actually." Canada rubs the back of his head. "Healing people takes a lot out of him. He should only do it once a day if that. It takes a strain on him." He sighs. "He's never had to do it so often before..."

"I'm sorry." You shake your head. "Kumajirou didn't need to waste it on me. If he hadn't, he could be helping Italy right now." You look down, eyebrows furrowed.

"No, no, no!" Canada rushes, waving around his hands. "It wasn't a waste. You were badly hurt. No one could take watching that happen without feeling responsible." He scrunches up his eyes, a pained expression. "To be forced to watch someone be hurt, not able to help: It was like - no it was a nightmare!"

"I agree." France nods glumly. "To watch such a delicate flower have its petals torn off, it was terrible." He raises a hand to his forehead, looking off as he bit his bottom lip. "I don't think I could take such a thing."

"Let's hope you don't." You tell him, smiling slightly. "Let's hope none of you do." France sighs reluctantly and shakes his head, whispering a soft thank you. "I'll remember what you said to me." You smile. "Thank you." Then your eyes widen, clasping your hands together. Time to change the subject. "How about I'll make you guys some tea, or coffee? I'm sure you need to relax."

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