GunsHots - PaRt 2

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D4y 2, F0ur7h F100r, Curr3n7 Tim3 L00p - [N/A] & (F/n)

"Hey, can you hear me?" It echoes through your mind. Suddenly, a hand touches your shoulder. The temperature difference feels like a sting, his warm hand against your cold skin. You flinch; head swinging up only to collide with the arm of the chair. You stare wide-eyed at the intruder, shivering. His eyes swarm with worry. As a couple of hairs fall in your line of sight, you notice the man's own short messy blond hair. It falls over his forehead, brushing the top of his thick bushy eyebrows. His nose is straight, then softly curved at the tip to point to his small Cupid's bow and thin lips.
He is crouching down in front of you and places one palm on the knee of his dark green trousers and the other hand on your shoulder, holding you just in case you hurt yourself again. He wears a green uniform over his slim form with a slightly darker green tie, a brown belt wrapped around his right shoulder and to his waist. He looks down at you in apprehension, his thumb gently rubbing your shoulder.

"Are you alright?" He asks again, worry lacing his voice. You let out a shaky breath, then comb your messy hair through with your hand as you try to speak. His hand falls from your shoulder, but the warmth remains.

"I'm fine..." Your voice is scratchy, so you clear your throat before sending him a timid smile through your bangs that just wouldn't stay put. He holds out his hand, which you take. He pulls you up. You stand unsteadily for a moment as your wrist stings from the sudden handling. Almost falling over, you manage to hold your ground as one arm went out to balance yourself, your head buzzing from your sudden movement. The man keeps hold of your hand, then smiles politely before shaking your hand.

"I am The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. But you may call me Britain." An elegant smile graces his face as he stands straight again.

Who else can it be?

You relax, your lip curling as you jokingly chastise yourself. The door swings open, startling you, and in comes another male.

"Opium, I can no- Who is this, aru?" The Asian man stops himself when he spots you, his brown eyes squinting. His pale skin stands out against his black hair that is tied in a loose ponytail, splaying over his shoulder. He wears a deep green Chinese military uniform with a red band around his left arm with a white star decorating the middle, just under his armpit. His puffy trousers reached his knees where white bandages wrapped around them till the ankles, and on his feet, are black shoes. You blink languidly at him as he stares at you, waiting for you to say something. You look to Britain before introducing yourself.

"I'm (F/n)," you give him an awkward smile, "it's nice to meet you."

"You can call me China, aru." China nods to you, watchful. "What are you doing here?"

"I, err, came here for my holiday... then got locked in." You explain in a daze, rubbing the back of your head. You still feel tired. Was before just a dream, or did it really happen? Either way, it feels as though you haven't had an ounce of sleep.

"By yourself?" England asks. "We cannot leave a child to roam alone. You can stay with us while we look around. We're waiting for some acquaintances of ours." England informs you with a nod of his head. Then China speaks up, pointing down at your feet.

"Where are your shoes, aru?" England and China stare down at your bare feet as you blink owlishly, wiggling your toes, no fabric constricting them.

"I left them downstairs-" You inform him "-in the fireplace room." Your shoes are at the bedside still, just like your jumper, socks and bag. No wonder you feel so cold. You bashfully raise your head, a nervous chuckle leaving you. "Can we get them, please?"

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