TWo MoRE SeconDs - PaRt 1

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D4y 2, 8453m3n7 L4dd3r R00m, Curr3n7 T1m3 L00p - J4p4n & 4m3ric4

"So?" America grins, making finger guns at Japan with a large grin. "What do you wanna talk about, Japan?" He turns slightly, staring up at the exit in hope. He can end this test of courage, just like that, by going up this ladder — leaving everything behind. He looks at Japan, grinning from his thoughts.

"America." Japan clasps his hands in front of him, lifting his chin slightly and eyeing the American. "You still have strength left, don't you?"

"Yeah!" America grins as he pats his bicep. "I'm the strongest one here, don't you know?" Japan forces a smile. America waits, puffing up his body and ready to shout something. It is like a child trying to tell a joke.

"In that case..." Japan ignores him, and the grown child deflates like a balloon. "Why don't you try being a hero?" Japan asks. America perks up once again, his blue eyes beaming with excitement.

D4y 2, 8453m3n7, Curr3n7 Tim3 L00p - 3ngl4nd & Am3r1c4

England stands in a room with America, staring in frustration at his hands. A green glow swerves itself around England's form, spiralling, its faint light illuminating his eyes, before being sucked into his palms.

"Shit!" England scowls, shaking his hands. "As I thought, I can't use my power." He clenches his fists. He attempts it again, but the light is gone as soon as it appears.

"... England." America is cautious, not wanting the former empire to explode at him. England looks away from his hands to America, begrudgingly. His brow is ever furrowed in a deep scowl, many a time in contemplation, but this time it is in anger. "You can stop the Thing for two seconds if you summon up all your magic power now non-stop?" America asks, raising a brow. "Is that the best you can do?" Britain takes it as mocking, a jest to how far he has fallen. This mansion has done something, as though it is sucking the magic from him.

"Sh-Shut up!" England flares up. "Don't make that sullen face like Japan did!" England looks away from America with a firm scowl. "You don't really believe me, do you?! You still think I'm strange--!"

"So? Can you try doing better than that?" America questions, leaning against the table. He is so used to England blowing up, but now isn't the time nor place to joke with him. A smile tugs on his lips. He can read the atmosphere, and he'll teach Italy how to too. No book needed!

"It might be longer if I try so hard that I pass out." England looks down at his hand, fluttering his fingers. "I can't do it unless I get quite serious. I-I can try doing it in two seconds at most." He stutters out, then drags his hand down his face with a groan. This is quite stressful. He is useless once again. America covers his mouth, trying to stifle laughter.

"Didn't you get it when you saw Japan's face?" America smirks. He feels proud at picking up on it before Britain.

"Well, I thought, 'That's harsh, haha!'..." He wonders off, looking away. Even someone as reserved as Japan thinks he is no good.

"England." America says humorously, not able to contain his grin.

"What?!" England snaps.

"Didn't you see (F/n)? They realised it straight away, just like Japan!" America laughs, thinking back to your face. You looked at England with a glow, and a small crinkle forming around the edges of your cheeks, trying to hide a beaming smile. Prussia is so right about you. Yet, there seemed to be more. Maybe it was just because you're human, scared to death in this mansion. but you yelled at them for Italy's sake, seemingly desperate. He'll have to question that more later. Heros follow all leads after all. America tilts his head, voice becoming as solemn as his eyes. "Two seconds is more than enough. Half of that is enough time to give them hell. Anytime is long enough if it gives you a chance at saving a life; to save the life of one nation." England furrows his brow at him, confused. "Do your best. I'll carry you on my shoulders if you pass out. So, will you be... my backup?"

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