CaPtive - PaRt 3

870 37 6

You sit at the edge of the table, your butt planted on the bench as you watch the others settle down. Well, as much as they could with Viktor in the room. You put your elbow on the table, cupping your cheek. For the past hour, France and China were going back and forth in the kitchen, grabbing bags, herbs, pans and utensils. It was entertaining to watch the masters at work, and after the first three attempts of you asking if they needed help, France sent you off to lay the table and ask what people wanted to drink. You tap the table, a bored huff leaving you. That is until someone sits next to you. And opposite you.

"Dude, what's with that face?" You didn't even need to look up to know who that one is.

"There's nothing to do." You look up at America, turning your lips up in a forced smile.

"I saw you reading earlier, why don't you continue doing that?" Canada asks from beside you.

"Dinner is going to start soon, and I finished it." You note, fingering the fork.

"How about the Grimms Brothers book?" Canada asks, placing his hand in his lap.

"Oh, you heard about that?" You chuckle, sitting up attentively. Canada smiles as America furrows his brow. You give a bashful look to America as you explain yourself. "The Grimms brothers is the original fairy tale book, and I've always wanted to read it. I just... wanted to read the original, but it's in German." You rub the back of your head, laughing. "I don't know German."

"Then learn it." America shrugs, leaning back on the bench.

"Of course," you roll your eyes, "because it's that easy." It didn't seem America noticed the sarcastic tone, so you give him a grin for good measure.

"Exactly. Just learn it!" He grins back, seemingly pleased with himself. You laugh at that, before looking around once more. You then remember something that had been bothering you for a while. France had been injured not too long ago, but he is up. Up and cooking.

"Canada, you were with France when he got attacked, right?" You turn your body to face him, showing him that he has your full attention.

"Yes, I was." His expression falls slightly as he thinks back. That isn't what he wanted to talk about.

"I was there too." America adds. You look at him, a hesitant expression, nodding slowly.

"Can I ask what exactly happened?" You play with your hands, running your fingernails up and down the side of your thumb. Canada adjusts his position in his seat.

"I didn't see it, but I could hear it. We finished checking the rooms, we even collected some spare clothes just in case of anymore... incidents." He glanced over to Italy, who is currently resting in bed with a new change of clothes. "Then, as we went to leave the room, France suddenly pulled out his sword. I thought it was the Thing, and we were all ready to fight until we heard France having a rather loud conversation." He cringes.

"What... what sort of things did he say?" You tilt your head, brows pulled down.

"It was mostly French, but I'm--but I don't want to repeat them." He looks down at his lap.

"Then there was this crunching sound." America continues for his brother, leaning forwards and making motions with his hand. "It was Frances fingers being slammed into the wall, the commie throwing him into it." America juts his finger towards Viktor, who is awake. The man doesn't move, seemingly unaffected by the mention of him.

"Okay..." You say, eyes peering over at Viktor before raising a brow at America. "This is all that you heard?"

"Yep." America pops the p. "France managed to knock him out before he fell." He laughs, grinning. "That's France. If he's gonna fall, then he's gonna bring someone with him." He shrugs with a what-can-you-do expression.

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