Chapter 2

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“What!!!” I yelled, getting off the couch and turning to face them, “No!!!”


“Don’t you dare say dear,” I hissed.

“Snow,” My farther started and I glared, “We’re just trying to push you in the right direction.”

“Push me in the right direction, my ass. Because of you I’ve never dated – Hell I’ve never kissed anybody. You never let me leave the house to go out. I had absolutely no life outside of school because of you.”

“We we’re trying to keep you from getting bad grades,” Mum commented.

“Yeah, and know I’ll be alone… Forever!!!”

“Don’t over dramatize things,” My farther scolded.

“You’re scolding me now!” I yelled, “I think you need help.”

Snow,” Dad hissed.

“What can’t take the truth?” I asked. Dad gave me a warning glare – which I ignored. He can’t ground me now. “You know I’m right, forcing your kid to go out with a stranger. That’s extreme. Once I’m married to someone that you approve off, and then you’ll move onto Zoe. You’ll ruin her happiness in the future, if not already.”

Snow…” Dad said in a warning tone.


“We’re just trying to help,” Mum whaled.

“Then don’t intrude on my love life,” I said.


Scar rubbed up against my leg. The snow had stopped and I knew my promised still stood, so I sighed and got up. Grabbing a coat and a glass of hot chocolate, we left. The sun was out, which I was grateful for.

Once outside, Scar jumped into the snow. She hopped around like a bunny, rolling around in the snow like a pig would in mud. I giggled at her. She could always cheer me up.

“Scar!” I called. Scar got up from the ground and followed me as I walked down the street. She walked around me and often sniffed the snow. She often got it up her nose and had to sneeze in attempt to get it out.

We walked for who knows how long. Scar didn’t seem all that tired and neither did I, so we continued. We eventually made it to the end of the street. We had passed the only house known besides mine. I didn’t know the road went this far out, I thought. I heard Scar bark happily. She must have caught an animal. Scar had this nasty little habit of killing small animals. It’s not that she wants to its just that she wants to play with them. She wants them to be friends with her. She doesn’t mean to get them in her mouth. She just does. I’ve tried to teach her not to do it, but she doesn’t listen. No matter how many times she does.

Scar came back, a limp for hanging out of her mouth. Scar looked guilty as she placed the small dead animal at my feet.

“Scar, I don’t want this,” I said to her, pointing to the body, “Go burry it.”

“Это является частной собственностью, да,” Someone with a thick Russian accent said in an amused tone.

“What!” I said; my voice high pitched.

“This is private property, Da,” He spoke in English, his accent still very strong.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t know,” I whirled around on my heel to be faced with a tall man. He had grey hair and was smiling as if he were some insane killer who was looking at his victim. His eyes were closed so I couldn’t see what color they were. He wore a long, cream coloured winter coat and a white scarf wrapped around his neck. I admit he was creepy, but not frightening.

Snow {Russia fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now