Chapter 10

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"W-what!" I stammered.

Ivan looked at me with questioning sad eyes, "Gould you go out with me?" he repeated. "You don't need to, but I'd really like you to at least give me a chance. I know you've only known me for a few weeks but I really do like you. I enjoy your company. More than anyone else's," he rambled.

"Sure," I smiled.

I can stopped and looked at me happily, "really?"

"No, I just wanted to trick you," I drawled sarcastically, "yes , I'll go out with you."


I fidgeted nervously on my chair. There was five minutes till 6 and that's when Ivan is supposed to pick me up.

Kat had released me from her household two days ago and thank god. The house was chaotic. Nat never stopped chasing Ivan, which made Scar bark.

I looked out the window again and pulled my blouse down. Scar put her head in my lap, feeling my anxiety and I slowly petted her head.

Minutes later, there was a knock on my door and I turned to the window were Ivan's car was parked in the driveway. I got off my chair slowly, letting Scar know I had to go. Scar followed and watched as I walked to the door and opening it.

Ivan was standing there awkwardly and I laughed quietly when he looked up at me.

"First time doing this?" I laughed.

He nodded shyly, "First person I have strong feelings for..."

I smiled sweetly, "Aw, don't worry. This is the first time being asked out without any influence from my parents influence."

He laughed, "Shall we go?"

I nodded and we turned to the door and I locked it. Ivan lead me to his car and he opened my car door and let me in. I nodded in thanks; offering him a smile. He walked around to the other side of the car and jumped in; making the car frame jump a bit. He put the keys in the ignition and started to drive down the road.

I looked out the window; too nervous to talk. Ivan focused on the road. From what I could tell we hadn't taken the road to town, instead we seemed to be heading further out. Ivan took a turn onto a dirt road and followed it. I looked at him for the first time the whole car ride and raised an eyebrow in suspicion . Ivan looked back at me for a moment then looked back out to the road.

"Where are we going?" I asked, twirling a lock of my silver hair.

"Surprise," He replied simply, not even sparing me a glance.

I pouted making a 'hmph' sound, but it turned into a smile when I heard Ivan chuckle.

"We will be there soon," He stated with a smile. Silence lasted a few seconds, with Ivan and i smiling but his smile soon faded and he looked to me, "How long can you go without hot chocolate?"

I looked to hands, "Around an hour."

"We'll its good I brought some then," He offered me a smile which I returned, "We'll be there longer than an hour."

"What are we doing?" I asked, shifting in my seat odly.

Ivan laughed, "Surprise."

"Is that all I'm getting?" I asked, rearranging myself to sit properly. Ivan nodded, not giving me a glace. I sighed dramatically and flopped my head back.

We ended up arriving only a few minutes later, Ivan pulled into a snow covered parking lot for... Not really sure what it was for. There wasn't anything for miles, just trees and rocks and snow... Lots of snow...

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