Chapter 1

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I do not own hetalia, or the character besides my own OC!!!


"Snow, just forget it. It's not worth getting so worked up about it," Xavier said, putting a hand softly on my shoulder.

"They tried to set me up with someone," I growled, "I cannot just forget that."

"Try, you know they are just trying to push you in the right direction."

"I'm 19, not 30. I don't need to get married just yet."

"Well," He said, "In their defence, you don't even have a boyfriend."

"Xavier, you know I'm just waiting for the right person," I urged, shrugging his hand off my shoulder, "And in my defense, you don't have one either and you're older; they're not so caught up in your love life."

"That's because I'm in college."

Xavier just stared at me. Big brown, puppy dog eyes looking sadly at me. I knew he meant well, so did my parents, but they made a big mistake. One that cost them their little girls love.

"Xavier, I'm leaving," I stated, getting off my couch, "I'm done with this conversation."

"What?" He asked frantically. He grabbed my hand in attempt to stop me, but I just pulled away and walked out of the little apartment, leaving my older brother.


"I'll be back in a bit, Scar," I called. After hearing a happy bark of approval I closed the door and walked down the driveway. The cold air nipped at my exposed skin, making me shiver. The reason for this journey outside was because I had no cocoa powder for hot chocolate. So off to the store I go. I cannot live without my hot chocolate. It is what keeps me sane. One day without it, and I'm practically losing my mind. More so now then back in L.A. I'm pretty sure it's because of the cold.

Humming, I skipped down the road. The store was just few blocks away, so I didn't bother driving there. Plus, driving here just scares me. When I first moved here, I crashed. It wasn't horrible but it was scary.

The wind whipped my hair around and almost blowing my toque off. I pulled at the sides, trying to keep the hat on my head and over my ears. I had the zipper done up all the way on my jacket and I had pulled the neck of it up to my nose. Living in L.A. for so long then moving to Russia, there's a big weather change to get used to.

There were no speeding cars on the road and nobody was walking on the sidewalk. I was alone.

I continued down the street about a block away from the store. I hummed a nameless melody. I placed a beat, walking to it. A huge gust a wind hit me. I lost my balance for a second the regained it and continued. Another gust of wind, but this time I was ready. I walked through it.

The store was now in my view. The lights on and some people could be seen from the window. When I entered the store, I was met with a strong gust of warm air. I quickly navigated through the store in search of the reason for the for this expedition. I found it, and walked to the checkout area. The store wasn't busy so I didn't wait long. I paid the lady and thanked her in Russian then hurried out the door.

I was met with cold air as I stepped into the outside world. I sighed and hurried. I wanted to get home, I wanted to be warm, and most of all I wanted hot chocolate.

I made it home in record time. Scar barked happily as I appeared in the doorway. I slipped of my jacket and toque; placing them on the hooks by the door. I slid my boots off and placed them on the black plastic mat.

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