Chapter 6

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Why do I always have to got to the supermarket twice to three times a week, for only hot chocolate. That's not normal. How much hot chocolate do I drink? How much do I spend on it. Oh, that bill would be a fright. Well what can you do?

I walked down the - once again - empty sidewalk. I was on mission #3 of getting hot chocolate. Scar wasn't with me today, she wasn't feeling well so I left her at home. Snow fell slowly, adding more snow to the already snow-covered land.

Its been 2 days since, I last met Ivan. I say Katyusha yesterday. She came over an we had a nice chat. My parents even called, I hung up on them...

Really, I don't get why they even bother anymore. They know what I think about that whole ideal. So why do they keep persisting?

I made it two the grocery store in record time. Probably because I wanted to get out of the cold faster. I walked into the store, going straight towards the hot chocolate. Picking up my favorite kind, I decided to just go grocery shopping today. I was getting low on food anyway. I walked back to the front of the grocery store to get a cart.

Someone was already trying to get a cart so being the nice person I am, I stood to the side. He got a cart and started to roll along but then he stopped.

"Snow?" He said a thick Russian accent lacing the word.

"Huh?" He was now facing me and I could see his face. "Ivan! Oh God no, not today, not now," I complained.

"Алло, Snow," he greeted.

"Hey," I said, turning on my heel and walking the other way saying a soft 'bye'. I walked back the way I came, picking up foods I needed on my way. I would circle around again and get a cart once Ivan left.

"Wait up, Snow," Ivan spoke from behind him. I ignored him and kept walking. "Snow!" He called walking up beside me, "we should get a drink."

I stopped and turned to him, "I dislike you, and you... I don't know how you feel about me. But I highly doubt that you like me that much. So why are you asking me out for a drink?"

"Because you say Vodka is disgusting, Da," He answered, smiling his creepy smile. I remember back to the conversation and chuckled a bit when I remembered kicking him out of my house because he tries to ruin hot chocolate with vodka.

"Fine, but tomorrow. I busy today," I gave in, "Come to my house a 6 tomorrow. You remember where it is?"


"Good, now good day," And I left to get my groceries.


+Next day+

The doorbell rang and Scar started to bark. I put down my laundry basket on my bedroom floor and went to the door where Ivan was standing with his signature creepy smile that didn't seem to creep me out that much anymore. I must be getting used to it.

"Come in, even if I don't want you too," I mumbled stepping out of the doorway and letting the extremely tall male into my house. I went back to my room and pulled out my American hoodie and pulled it on. I walked out of my room and proceeded to put my shoes on. Pulling on my jacket and toque, I caught Ivan stare.

"What'cha looking at," I said in English since I couldn't use much American slang with the Russian language plus I knew he would understand me.

"Just your sweater," He answered bluntly back in English.

"Why?" I looked down at the American flag print.

"Its America, are you American?" He asked.

"Born and raised, moved here a few years ago," I answered, walking past him and to the door. I looked back, "We going?" He nodded and we headed out. We walked to his shinny black van. I not a car person so I don't know kind of car it is. Just know it looked awesome. We drove to a club on the downtown street. Ivan said - and I quote, "It has the best Vodka". We got out of the van and I walked behind Ivan.

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