Chapter 8

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"Ivan, who is that?" I asked.

"My sister," he finally answered.

He had been standing there forever - Ok, maybe that was over exaggerated but it was a long time to me. Ivan looked a bit afraid, but I didn't care.

"Can you guys hurry up. Do what siblings are supposed to do already," I yelled at them, "My feet hurt! So hug, punch each other in the face, I don't care! Just do something!!!!"

The siblings looked to me.

"What?????" I shouted again, "Why so~ awkward?"

Ivan's sister looked away from me and looked to Ivan, who looked incredibly uncomfortable. The girl started to - deliberately or not - create a dark aura around herself. She startled to mumbled softly. At first, I couldn't understand what she was saying until she spoke more loud and clear. She seemed to be muttering 'Brother' and some more words I couldn't understand.

Ivan - very surprising in my opinion - ran behind me.

"Now what are you doing?" I asked dramatically, stepping to the side and turning to the Russian.

"Hiding, " he stated simply, side stepping so he was hidden from the girl. I sighed.

"She's your sister, act like she is. Don't act like she's some kind of disease," I said, sidestepping to the side again. Iva followed behind, while Ivan's sister stood and watched - the evil darkness becoming bigger. I sighed and stepped forwards and stuck my hand out, "Hey, I'm Snow - you?"

The evil aura disappeared while she looked at me, surprised. I shook my hand a little trying to gain her attention but it didn't work very well. We stood in silence.

"You know, when someone sticks out their hand - you're supposed to shake it..." I said awkwardly.

The girl nodded and shook my hand, "I'm Natasha..." She said.

"What?" I said - quite rudely, but that wasn't on purpose.

"My name, its Natasha.

"That's a nice name," I smiled.

"Thank you," She whispered.

"So, on other terms," I said changing the subject, "Why were you giving me a glare that plainly stated that you wanted to run me over with a truck, then a car, then you'd kick my dead body?

Natasha paused to stare at me in question before rushing over towards Ivan who - much to my amusement - squeaked.

"Sorry, but oh my god! That was hilarious!" I yelled, cutting Natasha off. Once my giggles ended I said, "Sorry Nat, what were you saying."


"Yeah, nickname," I answered, "I'm really bad with names. The only reason Ivan doesn't have one is because his name is too short."

"Oh," Natasha said, "Well, answering you're previous question, Because I'm going to marry Ivan. I though you were going to steal him away."

"Oh, why do you want to get married?"

"Because I Love him."

"You do?" I said - quite rudely again, but seriously, this is Ivan were talking about. Well looks don't matter when you're in love.

She nodded.

"Well I can't stop you," I shrugged, "I guess I'll leave. Bye Ivan, Nat!" I yelled as I ran out of the store in till I was in the parking lot. I sighed and pulled off my toque, sliding a hand through my hair thane putting it back on. "Well, that was something else..." I muttered and started on my way.


"Scar!" I called as I entered the house. the large dog came bouncing towards me; tail erect in the air wagging. "Hey Baby," I coed, scratching behind her ear. "Were you a good girl?" He tail wagged faster. I gave her one last scratch and straightened myself out. I walked and made myself  - once again - a warm mug of beautiful hot chocolat. While the milk was being heated up there was a knock at my door.

"Doors open!" I called and watched the door. Kat walked in with a few bags in hand. I smiled at her, "What's up?"

"Nothing much, Brother and sister are messing up the house. So I decided to come here for a bit, just to let them calm down," She answered.

"Is this with Natasha wanting to marry Ivan?" I asked, pouring the steaming milk into a cup.

"You know about that?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, saw them this morning," I answered taking a sip of the chocolat-y goodness. "Do you want something to drink."

"I'll have a glass of water please," Kat smiled sweetly.

"Ok," I fixed her a glass of water.

"You know," She murmured once we were both seated with our beverages, "Brother likes you a lot."

"Hmm?" I hummed, "How so? I find him a bot annoying at times," I shrugged.

"He told me, he enjoys your company," Kat said, "He just really likes you."

"Why are we gossiping?" I asked.

"Because, I wish you to be aware of this fact," Kat smiled, "I also want confirmation on your fealings."

"What that's supposed to mean?"

"Do you like my brother?"

"He's Ok, Why?"

"You know why, and do you like him in a romantic way?"

I almost chocked on my beverage, "What!?"

"Do you like my brother in a romantic way?" She repeated.

"Um... No..."

Kat picked up her phone and typed in some digits and held it to her ear. She started to speak and my focus drifted to the outside. Snow was falling  again.

"Come," Kat said, dragging me from my thoughs also from my seat. She dragged me to the door and forced me to throw on my coat and mits. She rushed me out the door, not even letting me lock it. She made me jump into her car were she drove - quite fast - down the road with me holdding onto teh door with a death grip.

She stopped the car at a hill and told me to get out. I looked at her with an raised eyebrow and she just waved me off. I got out of the car and she drove off.

"What. The. Hell?" I spoke aloud.


Sorry about the late update. I'm sorry if this chapter sucks. But I promise you, it get better. Way better.

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