Chapter 9

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"I feel alone... So alone... And cold..." I muttered irritably. Why'd Kat leave me here? What's the meaning of this? "I need hot chocolate..." I placed a hand on my chest, above my heart were I listened to the slow beat. My chest felt cold - everything felt cold.

There were no footsteps in the snow. Just how I like my winter, when the snow falls softly and there's pure white snow blankets the ground. Pure, pure as a newborn baby. Maybe that's why Mum named me Snow. Maybe she thought I was pure.

I looked behind me to the marked snow. There was brown slush mixed in and I sneered at the tire tracks. They ruined the pureness of the scenery. I brushed the thought away and turned my attention to the sky. Feeling the small stinging of the snowflakes as they fell onto my skin and melt.

I may not like winter, but I love peace. And this is my definition of peace.

Snow untouched my man, trees blanketed in snow and snow falling from the heavens. I sighed in content.

"I thought Sister was kidding..."

I turned to looked into dark violet eyes. What is Ivan doing here?

"Hey," I waved my gloved hand, "Could you take me home?" Ivan looked at me with cold eyes, but then they softened.

"I drove out here, could we stay out here for a few minutes?" Ivan said taking a seat beside me on one of the rocks. I nodded in response. I can wait for a few seconds.

"You know, during the Summer when all the snow is melted there's fields of flowers that grow out there. The sky is bright blue and flowers of every colour grow," Ivan stated.

"Really now," I murmured, "Sounds pretty."

"It is, maybe in the Summer I'll take you out here," Ivan shifted his gaze to me for an instant before looking back to the valley. Silence fell like snowflakes and we jsut stared out into the vastness of white.

"So how did sister get you out here?" He asked, his eyes still staring out into the valley.

"She forced me into the car then left me here," I explained, playing with the hem of my jacket. I could feel my veins becoming cold. My heartbeat was almost none-existent. My fingers were numb.

A strong gust of wind blew past and almost wiped off my toque but I was able to move my frozen limbs to catch it. I could hardly feel my ears as I brushed them with my mitten clad hands.

"How long have you been out here?" Ivan asked suddenly, eyes finally looking to me.

"About an hour and a half," I answered simply, looking towards him. Our eyes met and I couldn't bare to look away. feel nausea fall over me, I fell onto Ivan's shoulder. Closing my eyelids in a futile attempt to warm them. Opening them again, I looked into questioning violet eyes.

"Are you Ok?" he asked.

I nodded, "just cold."

Ivan hummed and wrapped an arm around me. He wasn't the warmest person in the world but he helped a bit.

"Ivan?" I muttered sleepily. he looked down at me, "Could we go-"

I felt my eye lids drop as darkness enveloped me. My body completely numb that I almost didn't notice the pain that exploded in my head and the yelling.


I felt incredibly weak. My body was still stiffly cold and everything was slow. There's was murmuring happening around me. I couldn't make out the words, they were too blended together.

"H-hot... Ch-chocolate..." I muttered weakly. Minutes passed before I felt the warm liquid made its way down my throat. I felt myself coming out of my frozen state.

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