Chapter 4

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"Scar, you coming?" I yelled. I was standing by the door, boots and jacket on. Scar bounced into my sight, her nails making a clicking sound as they hit the ground. "Hello, puppy, ready?" Scar yipped in response. "Good, let us go." I ruffled Scar's fur and opened the door; letting Scar out. I followed suit.

Scar ran straight into the snow, while I locked the house. I turned and breathed in the cool air. It has been three days and I haven't seen any of I van since I kicked him out of my house. I regretted it and felt guilty but came to terms with it by the second day.

I walked down the road; once again on a mission to get more hot chocolate. Like always I wore a huge winter jacket and sweat pants. Fuzzy mittens covered my hands and a toque pulled over my head. There were few cars on the road, and almost no one was out walking.

Scar tossed some snow into the air and tried to catch it in her teeth. She repeated the motion all the way to the supermarket, sometimes I would kick the snow up and she'd try to catch it but fail and fall onto the snow.

Before entering the supermarket, I told Scar to sit and stay. She sat down on the side of the door and waited for any further instructions. I nodded and she wagged her tail. I ran into the supermarket, and automatically went to get the hot chocolate. I went to the cashier and paid. I ran outside and looked to were Scar was seated, but she wasn't there. She was always there waiting. I looked around frantically.

"Scar!" I yelled. "Where'd you run off to now," I mumbled.  I ran around the supermarket's lot; calling Scar's name. "Where the Hell have you gone?" I asked myself. Just then I heard a muffled sniffling and whining noise. Thinking that it was Scar I ran towards the sound.

I took me awhile to find were the sound was coming from, but I did end up finding it. Scar was there but she was standing in front of something - or someone. Scar nudged whoever was sitting in front of her.

"Scar, who you talking too?" I asked, slowly approaching the dog and whoever or whatever she was with. As I got closer I could see familiar short blond hair. "Uh, Katyusha?"

"Y-yeah," Katyusha said, whipping away her tears and looking up at me. She didn't look to great. Her eyes were red and she had tear trails running down her cheeks.

"What happened?" I rushed to her side.

She didn't answer right away, first she started to cry again but soon calm down enough to talk, "I'm so lonely. I have no friends." She said, random hiccupping pooping up between words.

"How can that be? You're so friendly, plus you have your brother," I said. Scar nudged Katyusha's hand. Katyusha just wailed some more. I thought for minute before getting the perfect idea on how to cheer the girl up. "Hey, Katyusha, how about we go do something together? Like girls day out?"

Katyusha looked up and nodded.

"Ok, but we have to wait till you calm down, then we can got," I smiled at her. We waited 10 minutes before we decided she had calmed down enough to go out into public again. I helped her up and we walked out of the alley way.

We went to multiple shops. Some clothing shops, some antique shops and much to my pleasure book stores.

"You sure do like you books," Katyusha said, pointing to the bag I held in my hand. There was 4 books in there and some small trinkets in the bag.

"No, I like my bags, but I love my books," I clarified. She just nodded. Scar barked. I turned around to look at her confusion. She had stopped in front of a...

"OH MY! ITS A HOT CHOCOLAT SHOP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. This startled a few passerby's and made Katyusha blush at the attention. I ignored the stares and turned to katyusha speaking quickly in English, "can we go in? Can we go in? Can we go in?" I repeated multiple times before she nodded and I let out happy yell and ran into the shop.

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