Chapter 3

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My eyes danced under my eyelids. Looking, but only seeing black. Open, I commanded myself. My eyes didn't listen. I try to move my fingers, didn't work, toes, nope, head, no. Will anything move? I lay in silence.

"Is she awake?" Someone said. I tried to open my eyes and see who it was but they didn't seem to want to open yet.

"No, Brother," a voice answered. It was much softer than the males.

"When is she going to be awake?" The male asked again.

"I don't know," the female answered.

"Well I must go," the male stated, "I'll be in the living room if you need me, da." There was a few seconds of footsteps before a loud 'thump' sounded through the room.

I tried to make a noise to get their attention. What came out was more of a grunt. I successfully scrunched up my face and was then able to open my eyes. Beside the bed I was in was a girl. She had short blond hair, with a wheat colored hair band. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue/green color.

"Hello," She said kindly in English.

I nodded, throat to soar to speak.

"Your throat must be soar, here drink this," She helped me up and pushed a glass of water into my hands. I looked at it then looked back at here. She didn't look like a syco killer but they are always the most innocent looking ones. Despite my better judgement I drank the water. I felt good. The water seemed to sooth my dry throat.

"Where am I?" I asked, "How'd I get here? Who are you?"

"You're at my брата  house, he found you in the forest lying in the snow. You were unconscious so he brought you here," she explained, "and my name is Katyusha Braginskaya"

"Snow Wildfield," I said back, extending my hand in greeting. Katyusha took my hand in hers and shook hands. We both let our hands fall limply to our sides. I huffed and fell back into the comforters, handing the empty glass to Katyusha who proceeded to put it on the night table.

"Are you hungry," she asked.

I shook my head, "No, not really."

We sat in silence for quite a while. Katyusha sat beside the bed, fiddling with her thumbs. I stared at the white ceiling. That's when it hit me like a firetruck.

"Scar! Where's Scar?" I asked frantically, sitting up on the bed.

"The puppy?"

"Yes! Where is she?"

"With брат, she followed him home," Katyusha answered, "Then she turned and left. I guess she was looking for you. She returned later scratching and barking at the front door. My brother followed her and found you. She saved your life."

"Thank God," I muttered. "Can I see her?"

"Yes," Katyusha got up off the chair. I slid out of the bed, barely noticing I was wearing a white night gown.

"Why am I wearing a dress?"

"Your clothes were wet. We didn't want you getting fever, you're lucky you just have a cold," She smiled kindly. I nodded. She turned and walked towards the door, me in tow.

The house was huge.

If I was ever left alone in this house, I'd get lost. That's just how big it is. Katyusha navigated through the house as if she lived here forever. All the doors were a dark wood brown, the walls white with no pictures, painting or shelved bolted onto them. We would occasionally pass desks with a plain lamp and a telephone; sometimes a book was put there and just forgotten about.

Katyusha stopped in front of a door.

Inside, the man I had met earlier was sitting on the couch flicking through the channels. Scar sat by his feet nudging his free hand wanting attention, which he wouldn't give her. My throat still hurt so I couldn't call her so I resulted to whistling. I whistled a low tone of a song Scar knew well. Scar perked up, and she turned. She barked happily and bounded towards me pushing me over and attacking my face with her wet tongue.

"Enough," I said, my voice hoarse, "enough," I laughed and pushed the large dog of me. The man had pulled his attention from the TV to look at who had disturbed him. I just forgot about his existence. I turned to Scar and down to embrace Scar. She yelped happily as I buried my face into her fur. "Never do that again, you hear?" I said. She started to squirm and I let her got. She sat down; her tail waving back and forth. "Thank you," I said, sitting down too, "you saved my life."

She barked happily and nudged my hand with her nose. I scratched her behind the ears, muttering "Your such a goofy puppy, very goofy."

"You're awake."

The man from earlier was standing beside me. He still wore his grey coat, he also had his scarf.

"Isn't that warm?" I asked pointing to his scarf. He looked down then looked back at me.


"Your weird."

"Is that right, Da."

"I'm pretty sure you can't say 'da' there," I said bluntly, "It doesn't work."

"Da, it does."

"No, it doesn't."




"I'm done," I got up and flicked my hand upwards telling Scar to get up also, "Thanks for the help, I'll be leaving." I waved and walked out the door, making sure Scar was following - which she was. I took one look outside the room, turned around and smiled awkwardly.

"Where's the front door?" I rubbed the back of my neck, "And I need my clothes."

"Come," the man said.

He pushed past me and into the hallway. I followed quietly behind him. He lead me to a door, opening it and saying my clothes were dry and on the counter. Once I was inside he closed the door for me to change. I quickly changed and came out wearing my big jacket. I handed him the dress which he just put on the counter. He turned and walked back down the hallway.

"You know, I still don't know your name," I said.

"Ivan," He answered, "Yours?"


"Like snow?"

"Yes, like the white fluffy water that falls from the sky."

He didn't say anything more. We just kept walking in silence. We got to the door and he opened it, letting me slip out. He followed my out.

"Come, I'll drive you, Da." He said it more of order-like than a question so I just nodded.

"Since you said 'da' in the right context," I smiled and followed him as he lead me to his garage. He had two cars parked in the garage. He walked around to the drivers side of the closest vehicle, the grey truck. I followed but went to the passengers seat. I opened the back set so Scar could jump in. Once I was buckled in her started up the car. The engine hummed to life. Ivan pulled out of the garage, driving to the main road.

"Were do you live?" He asked after following the road for a bit.

"Second house on this road," I explained, looking at my hands.


Ivan pulled into my driveway.

"Thanks," I said sliding out of the truck, opening the door for Scar who happily jumped out. I closed the back door. "Would you like to come in for some hot chocolate?" I asked. He nodded, Took the keys from the ignition and got out of the car.

I lead him to my front door; which I unlocked and went inside. I hung up my toque and jacket and placed my boots on the rubber mat. Ivan took off his boots and put them on the matt, but kept his jacket and scarf on.

"You can take a seat," I motioned to the front room. Without a word he walked over to the small couch and sat down. I went to the kitchen, put a pot on the burner and filled it with two cups of milk.

It was silent. Neither of us talked. Ivan stayed there, seated, not talking. I stirred the milk and poured it into the cups, without talking.

I handed him a cup, "Here you go."

We sat in silence. I sipped my hot chocolate; staring. I really didn't care if it was rude. Ivan stared at the glass.

"Something wrong?" I asked. Ivan didn't answer at first, but then proceeded to say:

"Do you have any vodka?"

It took me a second to actually process what he said.

"Um... No," I said, "Why would you need vodka?"

"For the hot chocolate," He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"That's weird," I stated, "Plus it ruins the hot chocolate."

"нет," he said.





"Do what you want, but I don't have vodka," I said, "hot chocolate is the best drink In the world in my opinion."

"Vodka is the best," He stated as If it were a fact.

"No its not," I defended, "I don't like vodka."

"That is because you are weird."

"Now that was uncalled for."

"I only speak the truth."

"Come," I put my mug down and walked. Ivan followed my actions. I lead him to the door. I opened the door, pulled him in front of me and pushed him outside.


I threw his shoes at him.

"Come again," and with that I slammed the door in his face.


Ya, I know horrible ending.

I just wanted to get this over and done with. I'll edit someday in the future, so look forward to a way better version.

Anywho, I do not own hetalia (I wish) I only my characters.

Now that that's established...

Good day 

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