Chapter 11

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Ivan and I have been on many dates since our first. We now even call ourselves boyfriend/girlfriend (We established this two weeks ago, a week after our first date). I've seen Kat a few times since and she was ecstatic to hear the news. We haven't told Nat yet, all three of us are a bit nervous. Well, the other two made me nervous to tell her.

Scar pushed my hand, almost making me drop my hot chocolate. I looked down at her with a light glare but that soon turned into a smile.

"You want a walk?" I asked her, putting down my book and hot chocolate. Scar yipped happily and trotted over to the front door where she sat expectantly. I nodded happily and pulled my coat from one of the hooks, but the phone rang before I could get it on. I dropped my coat onto the floor and went to the phone not looking at the ID.

"Hello?" I spoke fluently in Russian.

"Snow, it's your father. Your Mum and I thought you were ignoring us," My dad said, his voice stactic because of bad reception.

"I was," I stated simply.

"Now that isn't very nice," Mum said, joining the conversation.

"Hmm," I hummed, " What do you want?"

"We haven't seen you in forever, we like to have a family diner tonight, you'll come right?" Mum answered.

"What would reaction be if I said no?" I asked.

"Devastated," Dad answered.

"Fine I'll come," I sighed, "But only for diner. "

"Fabulous, see you tonight," And with that they hung up.

Putting the phone back i turned to Scar, "Fan-fricken-tastic."


After a good walk with Scar, I had calmed down a little. I really didn't want to go. They probably invited... whatever-his-name-is over.

I fell into my chair, leaning my head back and looking out of the window and almost jumped in glee when I saw the familiar truck of Ivan pull up. I watched in till he was on the porch before getting up for the door, trying to prologue getting up off my butt.

"Hey Stranger!" I greeted, opening the door. Ivan nodded I'm greeting and pecked my cheek sweetly. "Aw, your getting affectionate."

Ivan didn't say anything; just walked into my house (taking of his shoes and snow gear off of course) and fell onto the couch.

"What's wrong, Ivan?" I asked, sitting back in my chair. Ivan leaned forwards and ran his hands through his hair.

"Stress of work," he answered simply, "lots of paper work and meeting."

"Where do you work?" I asked. This is the first time we brought up jobs. We never got into were we work, just the fact that we did.

"Politics you could say," he answered vaguely, running his hands through his hair once again. "Lots of paperwork and meetings. Just gets stressful."

"Same, except its those whiny customers that don't get what they want and whine to you about it. Annoying as Hell."

Ivan nodded and the room settled in comfortable silence. I got up at one point and made myself a hot chocolate while also grabbing a Vodka bottle for Ivan. A week after becoming a couple, we went out and told him to find the Vodka he liked so I could have some in my house when he came over (also for me to mix in with my hot chocolate sometimes).

Ivan thanked me for the bottle and silence resumed with refreshments.

"Hey?" I spoke after finishing my drink, "You free tonight? My family is hosting a family meal. I don't wanna go. Could you come with me?"

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